Summary: today we performed a switch off of several infrastructure machinery and electronic devices. At the of the day seems we improved DARM at the 45Hz and the 90Hz bumps, and we also understood the origin of some lines. BUT we worsened the DARM noise at and around 50Hz.
The switch off was done in sections, with this sequence:
- between 7:35 and 9:01 UTC: air conditioning of WEB, NEB, MCB and CEB was switched off (including Wi-Fi in experimental halls, the photon calibrator and SWEB, SNEB fans - SPRB was already off): see detailed timing. Then all HVAC stuff, fans and the photon calibrator was switched back on between 9:12 UTC and 9:40 UTC (this last time is rough). Wi-Fi was switched back on at 14:25 UTC.
- 9:45 UTC (end time): VAC stopped the cooling fans of turbo pumps at PR, BS and PR-BS link
10:45 UTC (end time): VAC stopped the HVAC cooling fan of the 'remote pump' room in CEB (restarted at 13:30 UTC)
11:30 UTC (end time): VAC stopped all the remaining active cooling fans of CEB turbos: IB; DT;SR;NI;WI (both types, industrial ones and 'home' type ones) (see also here for VAC times). Then VAC restarted all the fans (finished at 14:30 UTC) in particular implementing some seismic isolation of the cooling fans of the PR turbo and of the PR-BS link turbo.
- switched off some un-necessary electronics in CEB, NEB, WEB (time list to be added)
- between 13:05 UTC and 13:24 UTC: some TCS devices in TCS room and also on NI and WI TCS benches (see timing here)
The switch off #1 (HVAC) produced the disappearing of lines at 6.5Hz, 24.6Hz, 36.3Hz (photon calibrator) and 207Hz, as reported in origin of some lines
The switch off #2 (PR, BS and PR-BS turbo p. fans) produced the reduction of a bump around 45Hz in both DARM, MICH and PRCL, associated to the removal of a pair of seismic lines around 45Hz in the accelerometers at PR, PR-link, BS, PR B4-GHOST and SPRB-link: see Figure 1.
The switch off #3 (HVAC fan of remote scroll room) did not produce macroscopic effects in DARM, yet possible effects in ENV sensors have to be investigated.
The mitigation of the turbo pump fans did produce some effect (seismic peaks are still visible in ENV_B4_GHOST_ACC put about 10 times smaller). see VIM spectrogram in Figure 2. The Bump in MICH is still present but reduced: Figure 3.
The switch off #4 (other VAC cooling fans) did not produce a macroscopic effect in DARM (ENV sensors yet to be analyzed)
At 13:03 UTC the ITF was relocked, after the switch off #5 and #6 (electronics and TCS), and we noticed an increase of the 50Hz line and the bump around it. Figure 3.
Finally, a few minutes after 14:00 UTC, a seismic line at 92Hz disappeared from CEB sensors (see VIM spectrogram in Figure 4), correspondently the bump at 90Hz disappeared from DARM, MICH and PRCL: see Figure 5. The switch off of the 92Hz source is not part of the controlled switch off. To be investigated.
Also to be investigated is the origin of the 50Hz extra noise. The actual plan is to perform a selective switch off of electronics devices to localize it. Possibly tomorrow.
Concerning the disappearence/reduction of 45Hz and 90Hz bump, this seems consistent with the hypothesis of scattered light from B4-GHOST and indications of the projections.