This morning during maintenance time we performed some measurements inside the WEB hall which are useful for the IME mitigation projects.
We measured magnetic field in proximity of the power line cable tray (North wall of the experiental hall). We used one Bartington magnetometer, named ENV_WE_MAG_TEST_X,Y,Z. See Picture 1. Details in the attached log file. We first made and huddle test with the Metronix magnetometers to verify the calibration of the sensor. Figure 1 compares magnetic spectra of this magnetometer when close to the cable tray, the metronix magnetometers, and the magnetometer close to the WE tower. There are evident sidebands at +-6 Hz of 50Hz and odd harmonics. This is different from the situation at NEB, also shown in the same Figure: the NEB magnetometers signals are characterized by one 13Hz peak and +-13 Hz sidebands of the 50Hz and harmonics (we know that these are associated to the 2400N UPS, The origin of these 6Hz sidebands at WEB has to be investigated.
With the purpose of characterizing the acoustic and seismic noise emission of the racks in the WEB hall, we moved one accelerometer (ENV_WEB_ACC_RACKS) and one microphone (ENV_WEB_MIC_RACKS) sequentially onto (and in front of) each module with cooling fans (10 minutes in each location). See the attached pictures and details in the attached log file. Figure 2 shows spectra during the measurement at the Nikhef SWEB module in rack5.