On December 8th, we investigated the timing issue that happend on December 5th (https://logbook.virgo-gw.eu/virgo/?r=54117)
We found a short between the pin 3 (gnd) and 16 (+12V top) on the "power supply intervace B prime V2" board. (see SWEB_short_figure1.png) The short is not located on this board, it is inside the minitower.
We checked the connector on the electronic container but there was no visible short circuit. The short is located somewhere along the white flat cable or at the flange inside the mini tower, but these parts are not accessible without opening the minitower dome.
To fix this issue, we disconnected pins 15 and 16 on the "power supply intervace B prime V2". We cut the subD25 pins 15 and 16 under the connector (see SWEB_short_figure2.png). We also disconnected the faulty wires at the level of the container connector (pin 11,23,24) (see SWEB_short_figure3.png)
Inside the container we replaced the "Power supply interface B" with the V2 version (see SWEB_short_figure4.png). This V2 version adds a LVDS buffer on the 10MHz path (see schematic)
The SWEB_DBOX_LeftUp has been reconfigured in timing 10MHz mode. It was in IrigB mode before.