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Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)
Paoletti, Fiori, Tringali, Dattilo, Ruggi (and many other gamers) - 17:25 Friday 17 January 2020 (48180) Print this report
Likely found the excitation path of the 48Hz WEB (west end) tower F7 crossbar resonance

Today, always hunting for the 48Hz crossbar resonance excitation path, we have moved to WEB with an hard approach in mind: unplug as much as possible of cables going inside the tower that could bring with them the mains noise present on the UPS line.

We started with all the temperature sensors (AD590 and PT100), but no visible effect in Hrec

We therefore unplugged all the primary and secondary windings of the Filters vertical LVDTs (but not the one on Filter zero because it is in use for active controls), again no visible effect

Even attempting to connect the tower structure and electronic racks with a safety-earth cable had no effect.

In the end we unplugged the motors cables from the motors drivers unit (10 cables) which we know pass near the F7 crossbar: this action had a significant impact in Hrec reducing the 48Hz peak, but also many others (the family of peaks between 40 and 45Hz, a wide noise between 45 and 48Hz, another wide noise from 51 to 54Hz and the peak at 70.35Hz).
We attach two plots, with different analisys times (during these tests the interferometer unlocked a few times, and also there were two excavators in operation: one near the CEB and the other near the WEB, therefore the good time of the analysis must be taken with care). In the first plot the purple Hrec is before the unplug, the blue one is after; in the second attached plot the purple Hrec is before the unplug, the golden Hrec is after the unplug and with the 48Hz damper OFF, while the blue one is again after the unplug and with the damper ON).

Excited from this promising result, we then moved to the NEB doing exactly the same (unplug of the same motors cables), but in this case the effect was quite invisible. In fact, we know from past experience that playing with one or two UPS systems in parallel (two are noisier than one) we have seen the effect only on the WEB, not on NEB; however we tried the test anyway.

Around lunchtime we decided to leave the motor cables disconnected on both WEB and NEB, and Paolo turned off all the active dampers of the crossbar (resonance damper of the NE 48.3Hz crossbar at about 10:45 UTC, 48Hz WE and two more on WI and NI around 12:00 UTC)

Attached also a log file with detailed operation times and a PDF with the description and connections of the motor cables.

The 10 cables that we left unplugged are:


  • MH.F7.tx balancing mass on F#7
  • balancing mass on F#7
  • MH.MA.tx balanc. mass on marion
  • balanc. mass on marion
  • MA.F7.U - F#7 top (for rotation)
  • MA.F7.D - F#7 down (for rotation)
  • MV.F4 fishing-rod on F#4
  • MV.F7 fishing-rod on F#7


  • MH.RH
  • MV.RH

It is worth noting that the motors drivers crate is OFF since ever (it is powered via a "smart plug" which receive a remote command), but this type of smart plug has an internal relay that interrupt only one wire of the two (phase and neutral), and which of the two is open is a coin launch (the plug can be inserted on both ways).

This could explain the differencies we found between WEB and NEB; we will try as soon as possible to have some more tests (selectively reconnection, and reverse of the plugs) in order to better understand the problem.

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Comments to this report:
ruggi - 22:16 Friday 17 January 2020 (48183) Print this report

The first plot shows the current contribution to Hrec of the four crossbar modes at 48 Hz. It is obtained rescaling four spectra of Hrec measured during the noise injections performed in October (some peaks are slightly shifted). The applied scaling factors are about 100 times larger than the ones needed in order to project the supposed current flowing in the actuators in clean conditions, therefore the level of the peaks is still not explained. Moreover, the largest peak at 48.5 Hz does not match perfectly the projections as the other peaks, so we should not exclude a different source for that.

The second plot is the same with a different zoom. Trusting in it, one could assert that the contribution of the modes to the residual excess noise in that region is not so relevant, and a significant reduction of the mode quality factors, by the application of mechanical dampers, would not improve so much the situation. But again the mechanism which produces the main noise could be associated to the one which excites the modes, as it is for the one which has been removed today, so the investigation has to continue in the same direction.

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Paoletti, Dattilo - 14:35 Monday 20 January 2020 (48198) Print this report

"It is worth noting that the motors drivers crate is OFF since ever (it is powered via a "smart plug" which receive a remote command), but this type of smart plug has an internal relay that interrupt only one wire of the two (phase and neutral), and which of the two is open is a coin launch (the plug can be inserted on both ways). This could explain the differencies we found between WEB and NEB"

Today we did a test on nine (out of ten used) smart-plugs that are used in Virgo (one for each tower) to remotely turn on and off the motors crates (in addition to the suspension crates).

Of these nine, eight are connected in order to interrupt the phase of the mains (we do not see the phase when the outlet is switched off). Only one (the BS) seems inverted (we see the phase on the output), but the result in this case is not very clear (we also detect about 70 Vrms on the remaining and supposedly interrupted neutral wire *). All measurements are performed with a TrueRMS multimeter connected to the ground.

The important thing is that there are no differences between WEB and NEB from this point of view: by chance these smart-plugs both act by interrupting the "hot" wire.


* In the BS tower we also did a test on a mains line that does not pass through the smart-plug, and also in this case we read 230Vac on the hot wire (the phase) and about 70Vac on the cold wire (the neutral) with respect to the safety earth wire (yellow / green) and also with respect to the body of the tower. We suspect some problems in the wiring, we will check as soon as possible with the help of the electrical manager.

Paoletti, D'andrea - 10:32 Tuesday 21 January 2020 (48203) Print this report

BS electrical system verified today with Massimo D'andrea, nothing relevant was found (and also we were unable to replicate the behavior ...)

fiori, dattilo, paoletti, janssens - 18:00 Wednesday 22 January 2020 (48226) Print this report

today we checked the effect of replugging each single cable of the LAST STAGE MOTOR CRATE of WE that were left unplugged since the activity of Friday.

(details of the times are in the attached log files: the first file refers of the replug tests done on MONDAY 20 Jan, the second one is of today)


  • (1) the WE LAST STAGE MOTOR CRATE is  smart-plug' switch is OFF (while the switch in the crate fron panel in ON) (same for all similar MOTOR CRATES, since before O3)
  • (2) all 48Hz dumpers were OFF (Paolo)
  • (3) just before the start of this test all motors cables of NE crate were reconnected (Federico)

reconnection tests:

  • only MH-RH (test done on Monday 20Jan) no effect
  • only MV-RH (test done on Monday 20Jan) no effect
  • only MH-F7-TX (test done on Monday 20Jan) no effect
  • only MH-F7-TZ (test done on Monday 20Jan)  it seems to have an effect on both 48Hz and 47.8Hz
  • only MA.F7.U - no effect
  • only MA.F7.D - no effect
  • only MV.F4 - no effect
  • only MV.F7 - no effect
  • only MH.MA.TX  - large effect on 48Hz and not only (read below)
  • only MH.MA.TZ - large effect on 48Hz and not only (read below)
  • both MH.MA.TX and MH.MA.TZ  (read below)
  • keeping MH.MA.TX and MH.MA.TZ we UNPLUGGED the crate from the power cord (read below)
  • we left things in this condition

Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the effects in hrec observed TODAY.

We noticed a large effect when we connected the two cables of "marionetta balancing motors" (MH.MA.TX and MH.MA.TZ). The effect loooks similar for both: the 48Hz peak increases by almost a factor 6 (precisely from 1.5E-9 to 9.E-9). There is also some more broadband noise increase, and a couple of small peaks appear around 41, 42 and around 53 and 54 which resambles some sidebands around 48 (to be checked).

When BOTH the two cables are connected the noise effect in hrec at 48Hz and around it seem to add linearly (so total increase of 48Hz ia about afactor 10) ... but this is to be better checked.

When we UNPLUG the power cord of the CRATE the noise reduces at the same level of when the cables are unplugged (!)

When UNPLUGGING the ITF UNLOCKED (... or better: the two events were quite simoultaneous).

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