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Detector Characterisation (Spectral lines)
fiori, patricelli, paoletti - 18:50 Wednesday 05 September 2018 (42630) Print this report
Comment to 1.5Hz sidebands (42527)

DARM sideband noise improved significantly after the work on COMM and DIFF global angular controls and their oscillation at 1.5Hz. The improvement is noticeable in particular around 300Hz, 350Hz, 450Hz: see Figure 1. Also the "comb" of peaks around 460Hz mentioned in 42511 (see picture) are removed: Figure 2 and Figure 3.  There is no much improvement around the 150Hz. As well also the sidebands around 392Hz peak noted in 42511) are still there (Figure 9).

The non-linear tool by Barbara (see 42158)  nicely spotted (a posteriori.... ) the correlation between sideband noise around 50Hz harmonics in DARM and the DIFFp, COMMp, ... signals: Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 (the AA signal is used to modulate the UPS signal that works as carrier of 50Hz and multiples, the bottom plot shows the coherence  of this modulated signal and DARM: the blue and brown curves use the gps times before and after the AA improvement indicated by Paolo in the above mentioned entry). Now also these global AA signals are included in the list of channels for the blind search.

According to this analysis there is still residual coherence: in particular the residual sidebands around 150Hz show some significant coherence with COMMp_TY: Figure 8.

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