The dense comb of lines around the VELA is well coherent with signal Ti_IRIGB_spare_50Hz (Figure 1 and 2). This suggests for som kind of relationship with the Timing system. As Paolo noticed the "comb" noise onset between the lock of May 23 around 12:00 (<1hr long) and the following one of May 24 (starting at 16:15 UTC). See Figure 3. See also Noise around Vela (22.38 Hz). Several activities were performed during this long break, including the cleaning and covering of EDB, a full infrastructure maintenenace and sofware interventions. Some of these were somehow related to the Ti system and data acquisition: - starting of the new (Slow monitoring Data from HRTM Tilmeter) - a number of restarts of TiMoni (see Operation report - Morning shift and Operation report - Afternoon shift) - one crash of Olserver34 which required restarting several processes (see Operation report - Morning shift). A temporary stop of the new Tiltmeter server is suggested as a test, as soon as possible.