ITF found unlocked, all the shift was dedicated to the activity in the Detection Lab carried out by J.Marque, B.Canuel, M.Tacca and A.Chiummo. At around 17:00 LT was required step8 but it resulted impossible to reach, the ITF unlocked at step 5.5. The problem was related to some Galvos correction (Q51 and Q1p1) that resulted flat. Activity ended at 23:00 LT, ITF left unlocked.
- A.Masserot remotely solved at 16:00 LT the problem related to the two gray flags on DMS (CoilDrvMode and CoilRelay).
- TiMoni crashed at 15:50 LT, it was properly restarted.
- AliMoni restarted at 16:20 LT under request of V.Dattilo
NE LC opened due to unknown reason at 17:45 LT, it was properly closed.
At 19:05 LT there was a problem related to a Scroll Pump along the tube (W3). The expert was informed
- A.Masserot remotely solved at 16:00 LT the problem related to the two gray flags on DMS (CoilDrvMode and CoilRelay).
- TiMoni crashed at 15:50 LT, it was properly restarted.
- AliMoni restarted at 16:20 LT under request of V.Dattilo
NE LC opened due to unknown reason at 17:45 LT, it was properly closed.
At 19:05 LT there was a problem related to a Scroll Pump along the tube (W3). The expert was informed