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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 15:35 Wednesday 06 December 2023 (62657) Print this report
Check survey of NCal reference plates positions @NE

Yesterday we carried out the survey for cheking the position of some of the NCal reference plate points @NE, those measurable and labelled as NCal_XX_02 in the starting survey (see also eLog53883) .

Tab.1 reports the final result in VRS coordinates obtained for the points measured and the different stations performed.

Fig.1 and 2 show some photos of the survey.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi - 18:37 Thursday 15 June 2023 (60564) Print this report
Survey of the VRS position of the center of the top flange of the vacuum tank housing the NE Tiltmeter

Yesterday, we carried out the survey to determine the VRS coordinates of the center of the top flange of the vacuum tank housing the NE Tiltmeter.

The flange center, labeled TILTNE_center, was calculated by measuring 4 diametrical points at 90°. Tab.1 reports the VRS coordinates obtained, Fig.1 to 4 some photos of the measured points and Fig.5 the scheme of the survey.

To determine the Z coordinate of the tiltmeter, it should be considered that Tab1. reports the coordinates referred to the center of the sphere (SMR target), so the Z has an offset of +25 mm from the top plane of the flange.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi - 13:22 Thursday 18 May 2023 (60244) Print this report
Survey of the height difference between Terminal Building and Tunnel (NE, WE)

Last May 4, we carried out the topographic survey of the height difference (N201-N200; W201-W200) between the tunnel and the tower basement within both End Buildings. This height difference is subjected to differential subsidence over the years and has to be periodically monitored.

Tab.1 reports the results for the NE building (N201-N200) and Tab.2 for the WE building (W201-W200).

Fig.1 and Fig.2 show for both cases the relevant graph of the trend over time and the curve fitting.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, r.romboli, l.paoli - 17:23 Wednesday 10 May 2023 (60174) Print this report
Survey of the VRS position of the reference point for the "Robot" calibration @1500W

Last Friday May 5, we carried out the survey to determine the VRS coordinates of the reference point "1500W_ROBOT_00", marked on the floor and needed for the robot calibration (Fig.5).

Fig.1 to 5 show some pictures of the survey and Fig.6 the scheme of the points measured.

The result in VRS coordinates is reported in Tab.1.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 15:17 Friday 10 February 2023 (58813) Print this report
Check of the position of the vacuum tube supports

Yesterday we have completed the check of the position of the vacuum tube supports along the North Tunnel, for the part placed between @progr.1200m and @progr.1600m.

Tab.1 reports the results obtained as both local and VRS coordinates.

Fig.1 shows a detail of one of the points and Fig.2 the scheme of one of the station (St01).

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 17:22 Tuesday 17 January 2023 (58450) Print this report
Check of the position of the vacuum tube supports @1500N

In order to check the position of the vacuum tube axis in correspondence of the supports, consequently the several re-alignment operations carried out during past years, last Wed 11 Jan we carried out the survey of the position of some vacuum tube supports along the North Tunnel, placed between about @progr.1475m and @progr.1550m (partly inside North Tunnel and inside 1500N Building).

For convenience and speed of execution, the points taken as reference were placed on the upper metallic frame of the supports, whose position is at a constant deltaZ distance from the vacuum tube axis. Fig.1 reports a detail of one of the points and Fig.2 the scheme of the survey carried out.

Tab.1 reports the results obtained as both local and VRS coordinates.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 15:43 Tuesday 17 January 2023 (58442) Print this report
Structural reinforcement for the floor of 1500W_SQZ-R&D Lab

After the installation @1500W Building of the floor supports and their tensioning (Fig.1), carried out for the future placement of the scientific equipments in the SQZ-R&D Lab, we made a check survey of the reference points located inside the SQZ-R&D Lab, in order to exclude any unwanted displacement.

The check has been carried out measuring, before and after the stiffening of the floor, the same reference points located inside and outside the Lab (Fig.2, 3 and 4) and surveyed by the same single station of AT403 laser tracker.

The first survey considered was that of framing the reference points in the VRS network, reported in eLog58222, while the second survey has been carried out last Wed, Jan 11.

Then, the difference of the Z coordinate between each reference point has been calculated, and the result is shown in Tab.1.

As reported, between the initial survey (Staz07) and after the installation of the structural reinforcements (Staz08), the differences of the deltaZs for each point located inside the Lab (1500W-06, 1500W-07 and 1500W-08) result less than 0.4 mm, thus within the accuracy of this kind of survey. Moreover, the differences are of the same order also for the all other points outside of the intervention area, therefore within the expected accuracy.

As conclusion, it can be stated that no raising of the height of the floor has been measured due to the floor stiffening.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 19:36 Thursday 22 December 2022 (58222) Print this report
Survey of the VRS position of additional reference points @1500W

Last Dec 6, we carried out the survey of the position of additional reference points located in the 1500W building and inside the SQZ-R&D Lab, required for future checks after the installation of the new apparatus inside the Lab.

Tab.1 reports the VRS coordinates obtained for the reference points measured, 1500W-01 to 1500W-05 in the building and 1500W-06 to 1500W-08 inside the Lab.

Fig.1 to 4 show some pictures of the survey.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli - 15:21 Tuesday 22 November 2022 (57848) Print this report
VIRG00ITA GNSS Permanent Station - First position published by EUREF!
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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, r.romboli, l.paoli - 13:23 Tuesday 28 June 2022 (56284) Print this report
Completion of the monitoring campaign of the Tunnels' topographic heights

The periodic monitoring campaing of the topographic heights of buildings and tunnels has been completed last week with the 14th survey of the link between the Central Building and the Mode Cleaner (see also related entries eLog 55893 and eLog 56068 for West and North Tunnel respectively).

Tab.1 reports the result of the survey and Fig.1 shows the CB-MC tunnel profile, containing graphically the trend of the subsidence over-time.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, r.romboli, l.paoli - 15:46 Monday 06 June 2022 (56068) Print this report
18th Tunnels' height monitoring campaing - North Tunnel

Last week we completed the 18th height monitoring campaign of the North Tunnel.

Tab.1 summarizes the result of the survey and Fig.1 shows the tunnel profile, that reports graphically the trend of the subsidence over time.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, r.romboli, l.paoli - 12:36 Wednesday 18 May 2022 (55893) Print this report
18th Tunnels' height monitoring campaing - West Tunnel

Last week we completed the 18th height monitoring campaign of the West Tunnel.

Tab.1 summarizes the result of the survey and Fig.1 shows the tunnel profile, that reports graphically the trend of the subsidence over time.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli - 12:13 Monday 28 February 2022 (55014) Print this report
VIRG00ITA GNSS Permanent Station

Since last February 8, the GNSS Permanent Station VIRG00ITA (see also eLog 53935) is present in the list of "Proposed Stations" of the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network, an important step for the final insertion of VIRG00ITA in the European Network of GNSS permanent stations


The RinexV3 data are now available also through the dedicated station link



AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli - 12:36 Monday 22 November 2021 (53935) Print this report
GNSS Permanent Station VIRG00ITA

VIRG00ITA GNSS Permanent Station installed on site [Fig.1; 2; see also eLog 49054] is part of the Italian GNSS Fiducial Network of the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The station is monitored remotely from ASI/CGS (Centro di Geodesia Spaziale) in Matera, where its data are collected and routine QC activity is performed.

Starting from 17/11/2021 (doy 321), the data acquired by VIRG00ITA are available in the database GeoDAF of ASI.

In detail, the hourly data are collected in:
and the daily data in:                       

This is the first important step for the next insertion of the station in the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network:

first as "Proposed Station" and then, finally, be part of the Network.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli, c.fabozzi - 20:05 Tuesday 16 November 2021 (53883) Print this report
Survey of NCal reference plates positions

Today we carried out the survey for the measurement of the position of the NCal reference plate points @NE, placed in the SE, NE and NW part of the tower.

Tab.1 reports the VRS coordinates obtained for the points measured (Fig.1), considering NCal_XX_01 as the internal point and NCal_XX_02 as the external one.

Fig.1 to 9 show some photos of the three stations arranged for the survey and the scheme of the points.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli, c.fabozzi - 18:58 Thursday 10 December 2020 (50185) Print this report
Position of the NNC sensors array @NEB and WEB

The measured positions of the sensors in the End Buildings (30 sensors @WEB eLog49999, 30 sensors @NEB eLog50022) have been marked on the floor by the base plate circle and the ID label (Fig.1 and 2), in order to ease the future repositioning.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli, r.romboli, c.fabozzi - 23:16 Tuesday 24 November 2020 (50022) Print this report
Measurement of the position of the NNC sensors array @NEB

Yesterday Nov 23, the positions of the sensors placed inside the North End Building have heen measured and their VRS coordinates calculated (Fig.1 to 5). The pocedure followed has been the same as for WEB (eLog49999).

Tab.1 reports the final result for the 30 sensors of the array. For the correct identification of each sensor, the ID point is the serial number reported on the existing label on top of the cover.

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli, r.romboli, c.fabozzi - 16:59 Sunday 22 November 2020 (49999) Print this report
Measurement of the position of the NNC sensors array @WEB

Last Friday Nov 20, the positions of the sensors placed inside the West End Building have heen measured and their VRS coordinates calculated. In total, 30 sensors have been surveyed, together the needed auxiliary reference points (Fig.1).

Tab.1 reports the final result and Fig.2 to Fig.5 some pictures of the survey carried out through the AT403 laser tracker. The measured point and the associated coordinates are referred to the center of the SMR sphere placed on the top of the yellow cover of the sensor (Fig.4 and 5), so about 140÷150 mm above the floor level (Z direction). The normalized offset of SMR center respect its support nest is 25 mm.

For the correct identification of each sensor, the ID point is the serial number reported on the existing label on top of the cover (Fig.3).

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi - 18:48 Monday 19 October 2020 (49691) Print this report
ESQB1 alignment

Today we completed the survey for the alignment of the ESQB1 optical bench (see also eLog49606 and eLog49680).

Tab.2 reports the final position of the optical bench, individuated by the VRS coordinates of the five considered reference points (Staz05_Final).

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli - 21:10 Saturday 17 October 2020 (49680) Print this report
ESQB1 alignment

Yesterday the pre-alignment of ESQB1 optical bench has been carried out.

Fig.1 to 5 show the position of the laser tracker, placed in the SAS, and the targets installed on the bench corners as references (on a special tool h= 50 mm, further the SMR offset = 25 mm). Fig. 6 shows a plan view sketch of the bench with the position of the markers surveyed.

Tab.1 reports the result of the survey and the differences wrt the nominal positions.


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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli - 18:21 Monday 12 October 2020 (49634) Print this report
Tracking of SQB2 Clean Tent Structure auxiliary points in CB Hall

Today we carried out the tracking of the Y coordinate on the floor for the requested points (Tab.1, Fig.1 and Fig.2), useful for the next installation of the SQB2 clean tent structure. Fig.3 to Fig.6 show the marked points. As reference, it has been considered the SQB2 center position (2.6000; 10.4375).

At the same time, we tracked on the wall (Fig.7) the reference mark Z=0 [VRS] that can be useful for future height checks.



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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, l.paoli - 22:06 Thursday 08 October 2020 (49606) Print this report
Tracking of the position of the ESQB1 feet in the DET Lab

Today we carried out the tracking of the position of the ESQB1 legs feet on the floor of the DET Lab (Tab.1, Fig.1 and 2) in order to allow the next drilling of the holes and the installation of the bench legs. For each foot, it has been marked the center and the position of the 4 holes of the plate (Fig.3 and 4).

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AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli - 15:26 Tuesday 15 September 2020 (49424) Print this report
Comment to FDS alignment - Checking of the tube support positions (49403)

The correct title of the  entry is "Tracking of the position of SQB2 minitower and of the supports of SQB1-SQB2 and SQB2-FC-IM links"

AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi, l.paoli - 16:54 Friday 11 September 2020 (49403) Print this report
FDS alignment - Checking of the tube support positions

This week we completed the survey engineering activity for the tracking of the VRS position of the FDS vacuum components on the floor, in the Central Building, the North Gallery and the initial part of the North Tunnel (tube supports for the link between the SQB1-SQB2 minitowers and the link between SQB2 and the FC-IM microtower). Fig.1 to 10 show the final result of the survey engineering activity. We also traced the position of the SQB2 center and the reference cross for the next installation and alignment (Fig.5 and 6).

Tab.1 reports the final result in VRS, with the nominal and the surveyed coordinates.

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Comments to this report:
a.paoli - 15:26 Tuesday 15 September 2020 (49424) Print this report

The correct title of the  entry is "Tracking of the position of SQB2 minitower and of the supports of SQB1-SQB2 and SQB2-FC-IM links"

AdV-INF (Virgo Reference System Geometry)
a.paoli, c.fabozzi - 18:10 Wednesday 29 July 2020 (49121) Print this report
Comment to Tracking of SQB1 position and other auxiliary points in DET Lab (49063)

As requested for the alignment of SQB1 microtower, today we added the X,Y reference lines tracked on the DET Lab floor (Fig.6).

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