Reports of 58504
Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 23:05 Friday 26 April 2024 (64108) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

In this afternoon shift science mode stopped from 16:00UTC to 19:02UTC for daily calibration and commissioning (PRCL offset scan and ISC noise injections) and for troubleshooting from 14:45UTC to 14:48UTC to solve the problem with Hrec; the ITF unlocked during the commissioning and it relocked at the first attempt.

- guard tours(UTC):
17:40 --> 18:10
19:40 --> 20:10

Sub-system reports

- 18:24UTC: LSC injections (;
- 18:40UTC: ASC injections (;
because of a lack of time injections on SSFS and PSTAB not done, it will be run tomorrow afternoon;

from 14:07UTC to 14:45UTC we had a strange behavior of Hrec with the range going up and down randomly and the sensitivity too, it was because of a test done by Alain on a test version of Hrec that by mistake was writing in a wrong shared memory.

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Comments to this report:
masserot - 20:15 Friday 26 April 2024 (64111) Print this report

Offline Hrec test setup

While installing an offline Hrec test setup in the CascinaTest Cm domain,  this afternoon I duplicated the Hrec configuration, updating the FD_IN parameters but forgotten to update the FDOUT ones .As consequence, when I started this offline server on the same host where the online Hrec server is running (olserver52), there were some troubles with the Hrec online  data .I didn’t realize it was creating problems as I was working with offline data and in the CascinaTest Cm domain. When I realized this , I contacted the Control room and I fxed the issue .

This issue started at 2024-04-26-14h08m02-UTC and was fixed at 2024-04-26-14h40m34-UTC

AdV-ISC (Steady state longitudinal control conceptual design)
mwas - 20:28 Friday 26 April 2024 (64109) Print this report
PRCL offset scan and frequency noise coupling - task 12

Doing a PRCL offset scan to minimize the frequency to amplitude coupling at the input of the interferometer:

Starting after the calibration measurements between 16:00 and 16:15 UTC. The steps are done at a speed of ~1 unit of PRCL per 20 second.

16:22 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 1.0
16:28 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 2.0
16:35 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 4.0
16:42 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 6.0
16:51 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 0.0
17:00 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 6.5
17:07 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 6.2
17:16 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 12 - interupted by unlock just after 17:18:40 UTC

just after reaching LN3

18:10 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = -6.0
18:17 UTC (5min) PRCL_SET = 0.0

Figure 1 summarizes the scan done up to the unlock, PRCL_SET ~ 6 correspond to zeroing the frequency to amplitude conversion by the interferometer as seen on B2. It also shows that adding the offset in PRCL reduces the 6MHz gain as seen on B4 12MHz by 2%.

Figure 2 compares the time with the frequency noise coupling to minimized (blue) to the normal situation (purple). The B2 noise is 10 times lower between 1Hz and 3Hz, and it is also lower above 1kHz where the frequency noise is dominant. In between B2 is dominated by the pole at ~500Hz noise, subtracting it using B5 or B4 could reveal more clearly the improvement in coupling of frequency noise to B2 at other frequencies. There is no wideband impact on the h(t) noise.

Figure 3, 4, 5 show that the frequency noise lines (227Hz, 1111Hz and 3345Hz) are a factor ~30 lower on B2, and about a factor 2 lower in h(t).

Figure 6  my impression is that the coupling of frequency noise to h(t) becomes lower because for SSFS_LF the I and Q quadratures become more overlapped, so the BS TY minimizes both at the same time, and for SSFS_LINE the I and Q quadratures (that are very correlated), become of equal magnitude but opposite sign.

I wonder what it means that the frequency to amplitude noise coupling is zeroed, while the sideband gain decreases. Does it mean that the sidebands are not well tuned to the length of PRCL, and we need to choose to have carrier well resonant or sidebands well resonant?

Figure 7 the coupling of frequency noise to B2 has been quite stable since the beginning of the run

Figure 8 shows the PRCL offset scan done just after the unlock. This scan went with the same magnitude but in the wrong direction for the frequency to B2 noise coupling, and this time it increased the B4 12MHz mag signal by ~1.3%. So it points towards the current working point being in between being good for sideband gain and being good for the frequency to amplitude coupling at the interferometer input. That would intuitively make sense if the sideband frequency doesn't match the PRCL length, and the RF error signal that is the between sideband and carrier finds a working point in between being good for the carrier and for the sideband.

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AdV-COM (AdV commissioning (1st part) )
ruggi - 20:17 Friday 26 April 2024 (64110) Print this report
BS MAR Z actuation better balanced

Last Tuesday the balancing of BS MAR Z actuation has been corrected in order to remove a small residual coupling vs TY, observed in windy condition. New data with some wind has been acquired and compared to older data with the same wind (fig 1). The effect is visible in fig 2: a very similar Z correction produced a much smaller BS TY fluctuation. A benefit in terms of CMRF fluctuation is also visible (fig 2). After the adjustment of the balancing, no coherent coupling from Z CORR to TY CORR is measurable anymore (fig 3).

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
masserot - 20:15 Friday 26 April 2024 (64111) Print this report
Comment to Operator Report - Afternoon shift (64108)

Offline Hrec test setup

While installing an offline Hrec test setup in the CascinaTest Cm domain,  this afternoon I duplicated the Hrec configuration, updating the FD_IN parameters but forgotten to update the FDOUT ones .As consequence, when I started this offline server on the same host where the online Hrec server is running (olserver52), there were some troubles with the Hrec online  data .I didn’t realize it was creating problems as I was working with offline data and in the CascinaTest Cm domain. When I realized this , I contacted the Control room and I fxed the issue .

This issue started at 2024-04-26-14h08m02-UTC and was fixed at 2024-04-26-14h40m34-UTC

Virgo Runs (O4b)
amagazzu - 15:02 Friday 26 April 2024 (64103) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

ITF found in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ and in Science Mode, it kept the lock for the whole shift.

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AdV-ISC (Alignment control scheme conceptual design)
pinto, casanueva - 14:33 Friday 26 April 2024 (64106) Print this report
Comment to Preparing Noise Injection scripts (63660)

given that the past injections performed on CARM SLOW loop through the automatic script in /virgoDev/Automation/scripts/LSC/ were not sufficiently accurate (fig.1),  today we increased of a factor 5 the noise amplitude. If this noise amplitude is not enough, we could increase it even further, there should be margin, see fig.2 and 3.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
masserot - 14:19 Friday 26 April 2024 (64105) Print this report
Comment to Operator Report - Afternoon shift (63958)

Looking at the ISC_Fb logfile, one can find  these 2 messages:

  • 2024-04-26-02h22m33-UTC>WARNING-[TfbSubFrame::Fill] GPS: 1398133371.600000000 - Source Sc_PR: 22/2000 missing packet(s), 0 data break(s) (missing data are at the end of the vector)
    • It means that  that 22 Sc_PR Tolm packets over the 2000 expected for a frame at 5Hz are missing.
  • 2024-04-26-02h22m33-UTC>ERROR..-[TfbSource::StoreData] producer Sc_PR: overflow at GPS 1398133371.999912050 (received 2021 / expected 2000) (1323 times)
    • this one is linked to each channel and it is a tagged message meaning that only the content of the last one is displayed with in parentheses the number of messages produced
    • the Sc_PR Tolm packet contains the data of 63 channels: 1323/63 = 21 Tolm packets
    • it means that 21 Sc_PR Tolm packets have been added to the 2000 expected

According to these 2 messages, as the frame building is done at 5Hz, it seems that

  • at for the frame GPS 1398133371.600000000 + 0.2, 22 Sc_PR Tolm packets were missing
  • while for the frame GPS 1398133371.800000000 + 0.2, 21 Tolm packets have been added to the 2000 expected

This plot at its zoom show the LSC_PR_Z_CORR and  Sc_PR_MIZ_LSC_CORR for  the 2024-04-26-02h22m33 event where

  • the purple rectangle show the 22 missing Sc_PR Tolm packect starting at GPS1398133371.7978
  • the orange rectangle show   the time periode from GPS1398133371.8 to GPS1398133371.8364 where Sc_PR Tolm packets are correctly received but the channels content are at zero at for the Sc_PR_MIZ_LSC_CORR  one

Related the 2024-04-13-19h35m32 Sc_PR event

ISC_Fb logfile report

  • 2024-04-13-19h35m31-UTC>WARNING-[TfbSubFrame::Fill] GPS: 1397072149.600000000 - Source Sc_PR: 230/2000 missing packet(s), 0 data break(s) (missing data are at the end of the vector)
    • 230 Sc_PR Tolm packet missing for the 5Hz frame time stamped 1397072149.600000000
  • 2024-04-13-19h35m31-UTC>ERROR..-[TfbSource::StoreData] producer Sc_PR: overflow at GPS 1397072149.999912000 (received 2230 / expected 2000) (14490 times)
    • 230 Sc_PR Tolm packets have been added to the 2000 expected for the last frame GPS 1397072149.8 + 0.2

This plot  show the LSC_PR_Z_CORR, Sc_PR_MIZ_LSC_CORR  and others Sc_PR channel for  this event where

  • the purple rectangle show the 230 missing Sc_PR Tolm packect starting at GPS1397072149.7770
  • the orange rectangle show   the time periode from  GPS1397072149.8 to  GPS1397072149. 8355 where Sc_PR Tolm packets are correctly received but the Sc_PR  channels content are at zeros
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AdV-SGD (FDS commissioning)
demarco - 9:47 Friday 26 April 2024 (64104) Print this report
Comment to SQZ_INJ vs CC phase scan (64094)

Errata corridge: the plot of the squeezing level and the BLRMS of the first CC scan (t_start = 16:52 UTC) was erroneously equal to the one of the second CC scan. I attach the correct plot.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
berni - 6:47 Friday 26 April 2024 (64102) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

ITF found in Science mode.

The ITF unlocked at 2:22 UTC and the unlock seems to be correlated to a problem of DAQ/PR; see attached plot and the log file of ISC_Fb:

2024-04-26-02h22m33-UTC>ERROR..-[TfbSource::StoreData] producer Sc_PR: overflow at GPS 1398133371.999912050 (received 2021 / expected 2000) (1323 times)

This kind of behaviour is something similar to what already reported in the entry: 63958.


At the next relock the lock of the CITF took more than 30 minutes (I also performed the manual prealignment twice); once the CITF was locked LN3_SQZ was achieved at the first attempt and Science mode was set 3:58 UTC.


Gurad tours (time in UTC)

From 21:30 to 22:00; from 23:30 to 0:00; from 1:30 to 2:00; from 3:15 to 3:34.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 22:59 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64101) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

The ITF kept the lock all the shift, science mode stopped from 16:00UTC to 18:45UTC for calibration.

- guard tours(UTC):
13:01 --> 13:44
15:06 --> 15:34
17:50 --> 18:20
19:51 --> 10:22

Sub-system reports

- 16:01UTC: Measurement of checkHrec, NE,WE,BS,PR,SR optical responses, and sensitivity (CALIBRATED_DF_SENSITIVITY);
- 17:48UTC: Measurement of actuators response for NE,WE actuators and NI,WI,BS marionettes (CALIBRATED_DF_PCAL);

VPM stopped to work at 15:38UTC, process restarted.

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AdV-COM (1/√f noise)
mwas - 15:32 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64100) Print this report
BS optical response vs SR alignment

A question is if the optical gain for differential signals created inside the CITF is different from the DARM optical gain as a function of SR alignment. The 56MHz optical gain which involves being recycled by SR is not affected by the SR misaligment, because the ~1.5urad SR misalignment is small compared to the ~12m length of the CITF, and the CITF is marginally stable. Is it the same for differential perturbations created by the BS?

Figure 1 shows a lock acqusition, with SR aligned at the beginning (pole at 400Hz) and then 10 minutes later misaligned (pole at 200Hz)

Figure 2 shows three times, 21:10 UTC with SR still aligned (purple), 21:20 UTC with SR misaligned (red), 21:30 UTC with SR aligned (blue)

Figure 3 zooms on the BS drum mode (1872Hz VIR-0476A-16 It is decreasing over the 10 minutes of SR misalignment, but then in the following 10 minutes is decreases again by the same fraction in h(t). Hence this decrease is not a change in optical gain, but just the drum mode damping. Meanwhile on B1 the first step is clearly larger, as the optical gain at high frequency changes due to the SR misalignment. So it seems the optical gain evolves the same way as the DARM gain. And there is no strange effect that the SR recycling work differently for perturbations created in the CITF and perturbations created in the arms.


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Virgo Runs (O4b)
amagazzu - 15:00 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64099) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

Shift in Progress

ITF found in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ and in Science Mode, it kept the lock for the whole shift.

Guard tour (UTC):
7:02 - 7:29
9:01 - 9:27
11:01 - 11:28

Sub-system reports

During the shift the VPM stopped working three times (9:19 UTC, 9:57 UTC, 10:52 UTC). In all cases, it was possible to restart the VPM following the procedure provided by Pacaud.

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AdV-SGD (FDS commissioning)
demarco - 11:33 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64098) Print this report
Comment to SQZ_INJ vs CC phase scan (64094)

I attach the plots for the two CC phase scans performed during the shift of yesterday. I was not able to produce the BNS range plot for the second scan, which is anyway visible in Fig.4.

The second scan started at 18:11 UTC, with the same duration times of shot and CC scan as of the first one.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
Sposito - 6:59 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64096) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

I found ITF in SCIENCE; It remained locked for the whole shift.

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
berni - 22:56 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64092) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

ITF found in Science mode, LN3.

At 15:30 UTC ITF in Calibration mode for the planned daily calibration.

At 15:43 UTC ITF in Commissioning for the SQZ_INJ vs CC phase scan activity; after this activity the ITF has been locked in LN3_SQZ.

At 19:23 UTC ITF in Science mode.



FbmMainusers restared at 17:05 after a crash.

VirgoOnline vpm instance became unreachable at 14:52 UTC; restarted by Emmanuel.



new transformer (220V-->24V DC) of the DET AHU installed today, see 64093


Guard tours (time in UTC)

from 17:50 to 18:20; from 20:20 to 20:50.

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AdV-SGD (FDS commissioning)
delauren, de marco, sorrentino, lartaux, berni, vahlbruch - 21:33 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64094) Print this report
SQZ_INJ vs CC phase scan


The goal was to perform several CC scan at different SR angle. Nevertheless, due the not optimum condition of the MZ and OPA (waiting for the retuning) we decid to perform a couple of scan without changing the SR angle to check the SQZ alignment-

SHIFT activity:

We started at  16:00 UTC and to not interfere with the ITF and risk to unlock, we manually injected the SQZ. 

  • System initial status: ITF LOW NOISE 3; SQZ_MAIN @SQZ_Locked_NO_FC

  • 16:10:39 EQB1  fast shutter opened (process: SQZ_ctrl/shutter ‘open’)

After that the CC_loop was engaged and then  the AA (process: SQZ_PLL_AA/ Matrix and Filter ‘AA dither enable’).

  • started a CC 4MHz phase scan @ 16:52. 

    • time per point = 6 s

    • - initial phase  = 20 degree

    • - final phase = 230 degree

    • - phase steps = 1 degree

    • - random phase = False

    • - Closed shutter sleep time = 120 s

    • - AA closed on dither = False

    • - cc loop gain   = 75000.0

N.B: No glitch during the scan, it was just before and after (see plot)

In meantime Henning checked the MZ and changed lowered again the offset at 0.035 V due to the humidity  misalignment that spoiled the contrast and induced the set point near the actuator saturation. After the Henning action we redid the scan. 

We stopped at 19.25 after that some data have been collected at the CC phase value corresponding to the SQZ and ASQZ, or better to the minimum and maximum values in the BRMS range @210 MHz and in other ranges.

Further data  and plot in the following comments.

Comments to this report:
demarco - 11:33 Thursday 25 April 2024 (64098) Print this report

I attach the plots for the two CC phase scans performed during the shift of yesterday. I was not able to produce the BNS range plot for the second scan, which is anyway visible in Fig.4.

The second scan started at 18:11 UTC, with the same duration times of shot and CC scan as of the first one.

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demarco - 9:47 Friday 26 April 2024 (64104) Print this report

Errata corridge: the plot of the squeezing level and the BLRMS of the first CC scan (t_start = 16:52 UTC) was erroneously equal to the one of the second CC scan. I attach the correct plot.

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Infrastructures (Air Conditioning)
dattilo - 20:02 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64093) Print this report
Comment to HVAC tuesday maintenance_23.04.2024 (64086)
The new transformer (220V-->24V DC) of the DET AHU servocontrols arrived today and Massimo D'andrea replaced it between 15:30 UTC and 16:00 UTC. No impact on the temperature and humidity of the DET lab.
AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
seglararro - 17:24 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64091) Print this report
Comment to Hrec connected on FbmFE (64069)
The auxiliary HrecN process had been connected for days to FbmFE successfully, and likewise for the associated adapted ITF_Mode flags. Yet, when this configuration was applied to Hrec on Tuesday 23 of April at 8h55UTC, a yet unidentified bug prevented the Science mode bit to be correctly set in the state vector. The operator on shift F. Berni noticed that Virgo was down on the gwistat ( webpage; this was discussed during the daily meeting and traced to the bit #1 ("Science") of the Hrec state vector being down - see Figure 1.

To fix this issue that was preventing Virgo data to be injected into astrophysical pipelines, I modified the config of Hrec running online and stop/restart hrec at ~13h40, so that the config with which Hrec runs, reads again from FbmAlp (and uses the corresponding ITF_Mode flag), until the bug is found. This change was done without preventing the control room, so that the manual flag of 'Science Mode' was not changed to 'Adjusting'. This is seen in Figure 2 from VIM.

After this action, the Virgo data was tagged as Science mode by astrophysical pipelines back again, what can be seen in the plot broadcasted gwistat (Figure 3)

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Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 15:00 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64089) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

The ITF kept science mode all the shift.

Sub-system reports

at around 8:33UTC the VPM stopped to work and became unreachable over the net, restarted thanks to Emmanuel (#64088).

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AdV-DAQ (Data Acquisition and Global Control)
masserot - 12:29 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64090) Print this report
Comment to VirgoOnline vpm instance unreachable (64088)

it occured a second time . VPM server restared at 2024-04-24-10h25m59-UTC

AdV-DAQ (Data Acquisition and Global Control)
pacaud - 11:34 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64088) Print this report
VirgoOnline vpm instance unreachable
Comments to this report:
masserot - 12:29 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64090) Print this report

it occured a second time . VPM server restared at 2024-04-24-10h25m59-UTC

AdV-ISC (Automatic Alignment)
mantovani - 11:14 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64087) Print this report
New DIFFp tx/y set point behavior VS etalon

On the 17th of April at 18:40 UTF the phase of the new signal for the DIFFp tx/ty set point, which optimize the DARM response, has been tuned.

I've used all the LN3 data since that date to evaluate the effect of this out of loop signal vs the NI and WI temperature, to check if the optimal wp for etalon corresponds also to the optical wp in which the minimum of B1p DC corresponds to the best response of DARM (considering that the DIFFp wp is tuned to minimize B1p DC, servo on the set point). The largest correlation is for TX and NI.

in figures 1 and 2 it is visible the behavior of the out of loop signal wrt the NI and WI temperatures, and it is visible that  the 0 value is more or less similar to the best working point for etalon (VIR-0359A-24).

Moreover figures 3 and 4 show the behavior of BNS range and OG wrt these signal and a small offset is present (i.e. the maximum does not correspond to the 0 value, to be understood).

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Infrastructures (Air Conditioning)
soldani - 10:58 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64086) Print this report
HVAC tuesday maintenance_23.04.2024
During Tuesday maintenance, this morning:
- carried out weekly visual checks for boiler, AHU and chillers in TB and CEB
- refill of the LPG tank in Central area from 9.30 to 9.50 (UTC)
- carried out periodic check for AHU fan-motor belts state of tension and consunption (with external firm) with a short shut down of the involved machines:

AHU NEB: off at 6.47 - on 7.00 (UTC) ---> status OK
AHU WEB: off at 7.09 - on at 7.30 (UTC) ---> status OK
AHU CEB Hall: off at 7.50 - on at 8.05 (UTC) ---> status OK
AHU MC: off at 8.12-on at 8.26 ---> status OK

- Replacement of servo controls for the pre-heating and post-heating coils for the AHU DET Lab: task started at 6,30 (UTC); unfortunately, during this task, the 24 V transformer for the electrical power supply of the servocontrols inside the electrical cabinet was damaged; and it was necessary to replace it with a temporary one; this fault led to the restoration of operation of the air conditioning system at 5.30 pm (UTC), well beyond the maintenance limit.
Many Thanks to Massimo D'Andrea for providing the replacement quickly.
The new transformer will be available today and its installation, which requires a downtime of approximately 30 minutes, will be agreed based on the activity of the interferometer.

Comments to this report:
dattilo - 20:02 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64093) Print this report
The new transformer (220V-->24V DC) of the DET AHU servocontrols arrived today and Massimo D'andrea replaced it between 15:30 UTC and 16:00 UTC. No impact on the temperature and humidity of the DET lab.
Virgo Runs (O4b)
Sposito - 6:58 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64083) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

Tonight I found ITF relocking, 21:22 UTC ITF locked and back in SCIENCE for the whole shift.

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Local Control (NE)
majorana - 6:29 Wednesday 24 April 2024 (64082) Print this report
SLED source substitution @ NE MAR
Yesterday 23/4, during the maintenance I replaced the source used for MAR control at NE, as it was showing a gentle but constant depletion of power gathered by position sens device (PSD). By mistake the power was not properly adjusted for the transverse OpLev used for roll Tz, since by eye the error signal was pretty good I skipped this check, so that Sc_NE_MAR_PSDT_PWR cannot be used to monitor the power, while Sc_NE_MAR_PSDM_PWR provides the same information concerning possible PWR depletion trends. New thresholds have been saved for the DMS
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