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Virgo Runs (O4b)
berni - 22:54 Wednesday 31 July 2024 (64829) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

The first part of the shift was dedicated to replace the CCD with the HWS and to complete the WI CO2 laser replacement.

All the activities concluded around 13:20 UTC; the ITF was  relocked in LN3 and then it was set DQSTUDIES at 16:18 UTC.


The ITF kept the lock for the rest of the shift; as agreed at the daily meeting the ITF was left in DQSTUDIES with the autorelcok activated.



The DMS is reporting a red flag for Daq_EDB_DBOX_DetLab_timing_error ; experts informed by mail.


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Comments to this report:
masserot - 7:03 Thursday 01 August 2024 (64830) Print this report

The EDB_DBOX_DetLab  DBOX has been reconfigured to recover the timing_error at zero at 2024-08-01-04h10m13-UTC

This operation has been performed with the ITF at LOW_NOISE_3 after enabling the IRIBG on the 100MHz  and stopping the EDB server.

Unfortunately the ITF unlocked when the EDB server was restarted  (see the attached plot) .

The ITF has been relocked at LOW_NOISE_3 after these operations

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