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AdV-TCS (CO2 laser projector)
aiello, lumaca, nardecchia, taranto - 17:48 Wednesday 31 July 2024 (64828) Print this report
WI CO2 laser replacement, day 6

As reported in 64824, the ITF could easily reach LN3. Thus, according to the commissioning crew, we proceeded to the WI CO2 bench to:

  • remove the extra thermal camera installed on one of the BS flanges
  • remove the extra optics installed on the bench during the replacement phase
  • re-install the plexiglass between the CH plane and the lower part
  • re-connect and re-operationalize the ISSIN photodiode to monitor the total power emitted by the laser (see attached figure)

We concluded these activities at 17:00 LT.

We left all the CO2 actuators in the 'run configuration'.

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