Yesterday, when some trials were made on the SWEB channels and server it appeared that the noise floor of the LC_LVDT channels changed, more precisely reduced.
The first attached file 2023-11-28-SWEB-operations.txt contains the details of all the operations performed on the SWEB LC setup.
The second plot is the FFT-time plot of one of the SWEB primary coils and its related second coil one. Beware these LVDT channels are the ones read by the SWEB_LC Acl task . One can observed that
- until the restart of the SWEB_LC server, the broadband noise in the 3KHz-19KHz frequency band is present on the 2 coils
- and disappears or is reduced on the LVDT channels after the first restart of the SWEB_LC server at 2023-11-28-08h20m48-UTC
- this plot shows the SWEB LC pimary and secondary LVDT channels
- for the LC and SBE loops closed : at 7h30-UTC and 9h01-UTC
- for the LC and SBE loops opened : at 7h32-UTC and 8h22-UTC
The RT Tasks repartition and scheduling for the SWEB_rtpc is the following
- Tpro: frequency 20KHz, delay 35us
- WEB_PCal_fast: frequency 20KHz , delay 35us, scheduling order 8
- SWEB_Photodiodes: 10KHz, 35us, 7
- WEB_TIMING_moni: 10KHz, 35us, 6
- WEB_NCal: 20KHz, 35us, 5
- SWEB_PSD_sensing: 10KHz, 85us, 4
- TCS_HWS_WE:: 100Hz, 85us, 3
- SWEB_SBE: 10KHz, 85us, 2
- SWEB_LC: 10KHz, 35us, 1
- SWEB_Quadrants: 10KHz, 35us, 0
This plot shows the trend of the RT_CPU2 task elapsed time : there is no major modifications after the SWEB_LC restart but it 's anayway strange that the restart of the SWEB_LC server improve the shape of the LVDT signals read
Using the fact that the SWEB_Quadrants server is running the first one of the same RT_CPU as the LC and SBE Acl task , its elasped time has been increased from 2 to 4us
- 2023-11-28-10h28m10-UTC info masserot SWEB_Quadrants saved masserot: Ser SWEB_Quadrants min elapsed_time to 4us (rev. 246777)
- 2023-11-28-10h28m10-UTC info masserot 'Reload config' sent to SWEB_Quadrants
- 2023-11-28-10h28m44-UTC info masserot SWEB_Quadrants saved - masserot: Ser SWEB_Quadrants min elapsed_time to 0us (rev. 246778)
- 2023-11-28-10h28m45-UTC info masserot 'Reload config' sent to SWEB_Quadrants
The same operation has been done on the SNEB rtpc too
- 2023-11-28-10h23m20-UTC info masserot SNEB_Quadrants saved - masserot: Ser SNEB_Quadrants min elapsed_time to 4us (rev. 246775)
- 2023-11-28-10h23m26-UTC info masserot 'Reload config' sent to SNEB_Quadrants
- 2023-11-28-10h24m13-UTC info masserot SNEB_Quadrants saved - masserot: Ser SNEB_Quadrants min elapsed_time to 0us (rev. 246776)
- 2023-11-28-10h24m14-UTC info masserot 'Reload config' sent to SNEB_Quadrants
This plot and its zoom shows the effect of the Quadrants readout elaspsed time increase:
- when the elasped time of the Quadrants server is increased , the noise flow of the SWEB_LC LVDT increased too (plot)
- the same thing occurred for the SNEB LVDT too
For debugging, the LVDT signals provided by the ADC2378 mezzanines were made available only online with the prefix "LP_" thanks to a TolmFrameBuilder option . Using this prefix "LP_", these channels are available only online. This operation has been performed of all the TolmFrameBuilders acquiring the LVDT channels
This plot shows that today these troubles are mainly present on the SNEB and can be present on the SWEB too. The LC and SBE Acl servers are running
- on the RT_CPU0 for SIB2, SPRB and SDB2
- while they are running on the RT_CPU2 for SNEB and SWEB