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Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)
fiori, paoletti, francescon, macchia - 14:13 Wednesday 05 June 2019 (46037) Print this report
magnetic injections coil moved to WEB

We profitted of trouble shootingtime to move the big coil from CEB terrace to WEB where we would like to perform next injection wen commissioning time permits (we want to better investigate the recent findings). The coil is now placed in the north-west corner of the hall, approximately 12m from the TM.

We tested white noise injection levels without ITF. We used the low frequency parameters of 45975. WEB magnetometers are still close to the tower (45983). we manage to get 10 magnetic noise from 10Hz to 100Hz about 10 times above quiet: see Figure. Yet, the amplifier is close distorsion level (see current reaaches crest values up to 8A).

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