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Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)
Boschi, 46th Airbrigade, Fiori, Mantovani, Menzione, Paoletti, Pillant, Tringali - 15:02 Monday 07 January 2019 (44268) Print this report
C130J Flyover Tests

A series of tests has been performed this afternoon using a Lockheed Martin C130J plane of the 46th Air brigade. A flyover and a circle of 1000 feet of radius have been done over the experimental buildings at different altitudes. The following table summarizes the flyover times (passage on the vertical of the building) at different altitudes with the interferometer in LN3.

Building 2000 ft 1500 ft 1000 ft
CB 12:36:30 UTC 12:32:15 UTC 12:28:40 UTC
NE 12:37:49 UTC 12:33:16 UTC 12:29:45 UTC
WE 12:38:20 UTC 12:34:10 UTC 12:30:38 UTC
Comments to this report:
paoletti - 16:28 Monday 07 January 2019 (44272) Print this report

C130 seems less impacting on DARM, see attached.

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Boschi - 17:53 Monday 07 January 2019 (44275) Print this report

The effects of the C130 seem indeed limited on DARM. The spectrograms of the microphones and of the DARM signal during the three flights on the CB, NE and WE buildings at 1000 feet are reported

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fiori - 15:00 Wednesday 23 January 2019 (44493) Print this report

some plots showing the microphone and DARM noise for 1minute around  the times reported in the table for the helicopter flights over CEB:

  • figure 1 - spectrograms, helicopter above CEB at altitude 2000ft
  • figure 2 - spectra, helicopter above CEB at altitude 2000ft (compare qui quiet time)
  • figure 3 - spectrograms, helicopter above CEB at altitude 1500ft (compare qui quiet time)
  • figure 4 - spectra, helicopter above CEB at altitude 1500ft (compare qui quiet time)
  • figure 5 - spectrograms, helicopter above CEB at altitude 1000ft (compare qui quiet time)
  • figure 6 - spectra, helicopter above CEB at altitude 1000ft (compare qui quiet time)
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