Yesterday morning we prepared and tested the setup for Magnetic noise injections in the CEB. We positioned the big coil on the CEB highest terrace: picture 1. The power amplifier is set as current generator: see Picture 2. (details: The gain knob was regulated so to have 10Apkpk output when sending 1V to the DC input of the amplifier).
We injected a sequence of lines (200s each) at 27, 63, 123, 233 Hz. We repeated it three times with different orientation of the coil: pointing Narm, pointing Warm and upwards.
The magnetic field detected at the magnetometers (presently only Narm and Warm oriented ones, in the L-room) is roughly 1nT at all injected fequencies: Figure 3.
Injection times:
% type channel dof gpsstart duration(s) frequency(Hz) amplitude(V)
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom N 1179582606 200 27.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom N 1179582809 200 63.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom N 1179583011 200 123.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom N 1179583213 200 233.000000 1.000000
% type channel dof gpsstart duration(s) frequency(Hz) amplitude(V)
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom W 1179584667 200 27.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom W 1179584869 200 63.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom W 1179585071 200 123.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom W 1179585274 200 233.000000 1.000000
% type channel dof gpsstart duration(s) frequency(Hz) amplitude(V)
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom V 1179591345 200 27.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom V 1179591547 200 63.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom V 1179591749 200 123.000000 1.000000
LINE NOISE_CEB_DAQroom V 1179591952 200 233.000000 1.000000