Environmental Monitoring (Environmental Monitoring)fiori - 16:09 Monday 06 June 2011 (29558)
Print this reportseries of small eartquakes on June 4An addition to Fabio's 29542, the INGV web site reports of a series of small earthquakes with episcenter in Montefeltro (Forli', not far from Arezzo). As shown in Figure 1, quakes with Magnitudo of 3.3-3.1 (and possibly also one of Magnitudo 2.8) correspond to horizon drops. One of these seems the cause of the ITF unlock around 20:07 LT (Operation report - Afternoon shift). Figure 2 shows one of the eartquakes noise in one seismometer and dark fringe, the seismic signal energy peaks around 1Hz, and the sensitivity noise goes up to 80-100Hz.