Interferometer_sensitivity_studies (General)bondu - 15:51 Wednesday 22 July 2009 (23870)
Print this report (23865)Indeed, the asymmetry factor (F_asym = h / (dnu/nu) )
F_asym = ABS( (dF/F) 1/(1+i f/f_rec)
+ (dzeta/zeta) f_p/f_rec (1+i f/f_p)/(1+i f/f_p) )
does predict a compensation in low/medium band on the detector bandwidth.
In this formula,
- F is the finesse, dF the finesse asymmetry;
- f_p is the arm cavity pole (500 Hz) and f_rec the recycling cavity pole (8 Hz)
- zeta is the arm amplitude reflectivity at resonance, and dzeta its asymmetry, so that dzeta/zeta = dR/4 = (+/-) sqrt((1-C)/2), where the sign depends where the losses are higher, and the contrast defect the one for the TEM00 after OMC.
Comments to this report:
bondu - 18:04 Wednesday 02 September 2009 (24541)
Print this reportThere is a mistyping: the second term of the asymmetry begins with dzeta/2, not dzeta/zeta.