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Virgo Runs (O4b)
amagazzu - 23:32 Wednesday 17 April 2024 (64003) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

Upon reaching the site, I found the ITF in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ and in Science Mode. The ITF unlocked at 15:03 UTC due to an earthquake (M 6.3 - 17 km WSW of Uwajima, Japan, 14:14 UTC), preventing the lock of the infrared cavities.
From 15:40 UTC the influence of the shaking decreased enough and it was possible to relock.
ITF back in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ at 16:16 UTC and the planned ISC/INJ activity (see report #64007) started; work concluded at 19:13 UTC.
The ITF unlocked at 19:24 UTC, followed by various unlocks at different steps of the locking acquisition (ACQUIRE_LOW_NOISE_2, LOCKING_CARM_NULL_1F).
Relock in progress.

No DMS alerts received were received during the shift.

Guard tour (UTC)
17:01 - 17:42
19:01 - 19:28

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Comments to this report:
ruggi - 12:17 Thursday 18 April 2024 (64016) Print this report

Yesterday at 19:24 UTC the ITF unlocked because of a saturation of WE MIR actuation (fig 1). The correction was progressively increasing in the latest half an hour and it was often very close to 10 V in the latest minutes (fig 2). It was due to an increasing of ground motion between 0.5 and 1 Hz (fig 3), typically due to the weather close to the site (for instance, strong rain or particularly stormy sea). That frequency component was the main responsible of the large correction (fig 4); improving the filters at that frequency has for sure an impact at 1.8 Hz, so any change needs to be tested in terms of stability. There is also the chance that something can be improved at the level of the top stage control, but also in that case, the margin of improvement without worsening other frequency regions is small.

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