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Detector Operation (Operations Report)
berni - 22:59 Tuesday 19 February 2019 (44935) Print this report
Operator report - Afternoon shift
The main activity of this shift was the work on SDB2 in DET LAB; people kept working up to 20:30 UTC.
In parallel other activities were carried out:
- ISYS activities; still in progress
- TCS CO2 lasers switching ON; completed at 20:00 UTC.
- work at NE building by Polish group; completed at 18:30 UTC.

At around 20:00 UTC I was contacted by Romain because he wanted to perform some activities with the ITF locked in PR_ITF; unfortunately I had no instructions to lock the ITF in that state without B1p and I could reach only LOCKED_RECOMBINED. We decided to postpone the activity.

I left Paolo still working on the ISYS.

We mirror coils left unplugged

At 16:48 UTC I closed the SNEB LC; they had been left open by Alessandro.

yesterday night (around 4:00 UTC) we had a jump of 1 degree in the temperatures of PSL_AMP_DIODE_4; see attached pictures.
Images attached to this report
Comments to this report:
ruggi - 23:41 Tuesday 19 February 2019 (44937) Print this report

I leave the IMC AA closed in full bandwidth, after the implementation of a sensing matrix which looks fine, and more important after a change of the working point, which rely on the zero of the FF and NF quadrants. The eventual improvement of the system is entirely due to the work done by optics group for the quality of the signals.

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