Here some times from last night. All times are local times
SSFS noise injection
22:10 (5 min), noise injection to SSFS. Coherence mainly about 1 kHz.
Change the spectral shape of the injected noise to inject larger noise toward low frequency
22:30 (5 min), better, noise injection visible from 100 Hz. Try to increase the amplitude of the noise
Unlock, design a new filter with still larger amplitude in the low frequency band
22:37:30 (5 min) noise injection, slighlty better
23:46:50 Fmod enable
New filter shape for the noise injection: band pass centered around 30-40 Hz, not highly selective so we will still have noise injected outside the transmission band
00:04 (5 min) noise injected, quite good, well visible in h from 20 Hz up to high frequency
00:12:40 (5 min), increase the amplitude, best injection of the night, this data should be used
00:20:30 (2 min), increase again the amplitude of the noise, coherence not better in high frequency
Arm cavities free swinging and lock / unlock
00:54:20 North arm free swinging, scanning speed may be too low
01:05:00 Series of lock / unclock and at the same time series of free swinging
Problem with the logic of boolean and Metatron not cooperative. Remote help from Diego.
02:00 Go back to low noise, launch of the script for magnetic noise injection