ITF found in Science mode with Autoscience active.
The ITF unlocked at 4:18 UTC; at the next relock I had to stop the Autoscience because the DET_MAIN state went in "UNKNOWN" state after the unlock.
At around 4:50 UTC , during a lock acquisition, SDB2 vertical position was opened by the guardian; it was not possibile to recover the vertical position with the stepper motors because the suspension did not move in the right direction.
For this reason at 5:00 UTC I contacted the SBE on-call and I set Troubleshooting mode; the SBE on-call was able in some way to close the loop but the problem requires a deeper investigation. Dedicated entry will follow.
Relock in progress.
Guard tours (time in UTC)
23:25-0:00; 2:10-3:00; 3:53-4:30