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casanueva, nardecchia, mwas, bersanetti - 23:19 Tuesday 04 March 2025 (66303) Print this report
DAS tuning test

The reason of this shift is reported in #66243. The procedure followed during the shift is reported in this git issue

At the beginning of the shift, after the unlock, Diego called Michal and Romain beacuse DET_MAIN node got stalled  (66300).


At 16.05 UTC, the interferometer locked at LN2. At 17.35 UTC, the standard SSFS noise injection was performed.

After that, at 18.12 UTC, the DAS outer ring powers were adjusted differentially. In particular, the WI outer ring power was increased by 5%, while the NI outer ring power was decreased by 5%.

Reference CH [W] INNER DAS [W] OUTER DAS [W]
(West) on the ITF 0.046 0.150

1.59 → 1.59*(1+5/100)= 1.68

(West) on the pick-off 0.284 0.025

0.26 → 0.27

(North) on the ITF 0.104 0.340

3.68 → 3.68*(1-5/100)=3.5

(North) on the pick-off 0.635 0.055

0.61 → 0.57

After one hour we started to see a growing oscillation at low frequency, in particular we checked that it was the usual interaction between PR and BS TX. SO we tried to move the crossing point of the two error signals. WE changed the weight from 0.67 to 0.82 and the oscillation got damped. After 2 hours we repeated the SSFS noise injections and Figure 1 shows the change on the coupling of the SSFS to DARM between before and after the DAS step.

Then we went to LN3 and we stayed there for 1 hour, and repeated the SSFS noise injection. After this injection Ilaria put back the initial DAS values (22.15 - 22.18 UTC).


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Comments to this report:
mpinto - 10:31 Wednesday 05 March 2025 (66306) Print this report

yesterday we increased the LF gain only of about a factor 1.3, which allowed to damp a bit the 1.2 Hz  interaction with PR.

from recent lines injections on PR and BS driving we noticed that the optimal ratio between the calibration weigths of the two BS branches (B1p and B4) might be wrong of a factor 3.

we could try to increase up to this value the gain of the LF branch to see if we can improve better the fbw response of the loop and reduce further the interaction.


It is also true that yesterday we were in the middle of a thermal transient, and this could have impacted a lot the optical gain of the 50 MHz signal (which depends on both the 6 and 56MHz optical gains), but anyhow this gain change is worth to be tried.

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casanueva - 11:35 Thursday 06 March 2025 (66312) Print this report

I have compared the measurement in LN3 during the shift (with the DAS step) and the one performed in LN3 on saturday, with the usual calibration. UNdortunately the measurement between 300Hz and 1kHz of saturday doesn't seem to have very good coherence and there is a clearly visible step, so I wouldn't trust it too much. ANd there were no injections performed on Monday,

I think it is already interesting since it shows that the coupling at high frequency hasn't changed at all and that at low frequencies it has slightly increased with the DAS step.

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