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bersanetti - 11:43 Tuesday 11 February 2025 (66170) Print this report
Update of the ITF_CONDITIONS node

This morning during the maintenance I updated the ITF_CONDITIONS node and restarted it; the three changes are:

  • introduction of a proper decorator for unstalling the managed nodes (ITF_LOCK and ITF_STATUS); this is an adaptation of the one we use all over the place, but it is used only when either autorelock or autoscience are True, therefore I needed a new one instead of using the one in META_library;
  • I remove all states from the dropdown menu of the node, with the exception of the only ones that should be asked manually: STOP, AUTORELOCK_FAILSAFE, AUTOSCIENCE_ON and AUTOSCIENCE_OFF; the new states layout is attached;
  • I added as FDIN_TAG all the guardian channels for the SATs and the SBEs (V1:SAT_*GRD_TG V1:SBE_*loop_pos* V1:SBE_*loop_act* V1:*LC_TXYZ_enbl); the future development will be to read those channels to catch when any guardian of one suspension or bench is triggered; this will cause the immediate "failure" of the lock acquisition, overriding the usual conditions (lock acquisition maximum duration and number of trials), thus triggering the alarm on the DMS.

This poses two reminders:

  • close and re-open any ITF_CONDITIONS window hanging around the sessions;
  • always STOP Autorelock and Autoscience before driving ITF_LOCK or ITF_STATUS by hand (this was already the case but the node is now less lenient about it).
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