This morning we investigated on a possible clogging of the neovan head. We stopped it, unplugged the water tubes and collect some "particles" that were inside.
They look like the usual ones we can get in the filters of the chiller. The vacuum team will send them for analyze.
We tried to go inside with a wire to see if we could remove something but we got blocked at the first curve of the cooling circuit.
We tried to blow inside with a bottle of helium under pressure to flush away some particules but it did not remove anything.
We eventually replugged everything and make the water flow again. The flow increased a bit, from 4.5 to 4.6. (plot)
We also checked the leakage that has been observed at the level of the filter installed last week and it seems that it is now tapped.
Then we slightly realigned the beam inside the neovan by using the mirror in front of it and checking the power at the output and getting the alignment back in the PMC with the mirror in front of the AOM.
We manage to recover a bit of power. We are monitoring it and it seems stable (plot)