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AdV-ISC (Automatic Alignment)
ruggi, pinto - 14:54 Friday 24 January 2025 (66054) Print this report
COMMpTX residual noise

During an analysis of ITF angular stability, it has been observed that PR_TX low frequency residual rotation seen by AA signal can be well explained assuming that the source of noise is the actual rotation of NI. The AA loop imposes PR to follow NI rotation, which is large enough to be seen by NI and PR optical levers: the coherence between the two is almost 1 at 40 mHz and the TF is flat (fig 1). There is also coherence with all the other TMs of the arms: all together seem to have an excess noise in COMMpTX dof. This is evident comparing the OptLev signals in DIFFpTX and COMMpTX combinations (fig 2). The actual DIFFpTX rotation is forced to be very small (about 1 nRad) by the loop on B1p_QD, so the corresponding combination of the optical levers gives the level of noise of those sensors: we can see in figure that COMMpTX motion is much larger than the sensor noise.

The component of noise below 0.1 Hz is very likely due to the centering loop on the dither signal. The one used for COMMpTX is NI_MIR_Y_AA; in fig 3 we can see that it is noiser than the other three. We can also see a different shape below 40 mHz: it should be the suppression due to the COMMp slow loop. I would say from this plot that the gain is too high respect to what is really needed.

In fig 4 the coherence between two witnesses of this noise is shown: PR_TX is coherent with the west arm centering signals in the combination given by a rotation of the axis, while the combination given by the axis translation (soft mode) is not coherent. This is another confirmation that the excess noise affects COMMpTX.

The first thing to do is to reduce significantly the gain of COMMpTX slow loop and see what happens. I would do it both for TX and TY, even if a similar analysis for TY has not been done yet.  The there should be the possibility to reduce a bit the noise using a different error signal and excluding the noisy one. The COMMp combination of NE, WI and WE seems to be the cleaner option.

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Comments to this report:
ruggi - 13:12 Monday 27 January 2025 (66077) Print this report

This morning, before the end of the latest lock acquisition, the gain of the dither loops used as reference for COMMp (both TX and TY) have been reduced by a factor of two. The comparison with the data of previous lock confirms that the excess noise visible on many out of loop signals was coming from those loops. On B1p (fig 2) there is a huge improvement also at high frequency, with respect to the band of the loops. The seismic activity is currently quite high, all the data are much worse respect to the ones shown in the previous entry and some additional effect could be related to that.

Looking better at the code, it has been found that the gain was actually too high: a factor of 4 higher than the one used when only the cavities are locked. With this gain, we were close to the instability and the bump at 40 mHz was likely due to a small phase margin. The current gain is fine for the stability, but probably it is still high regarding the noise. Currently, the dither signals are quite noisier than in O3, together with a noisier DARM at low frequency. Some additional work on this aspect could improve a bit the ITF angular stability: for example, the signals for COMMp reference could be extracted from better dither signals, instead of using NI, which for unknown reasons is the noisier one.

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ruggi - 10:55 Friday 31 January 2025 (66107) Print this report

Yesterday the weather was good enough to collect good data for the analysis of alignment stability and noise induced by dither loops on COMMp.  The data have been compared to a quiet summer period (fig 1): the lowering of the dither loop gain has reduced some excess noise visible in any out of loop signals.

Fro fig 2 - the coherence between dither signal and AA signal - one can deduce that the noise from dither is still the dominant component of COMMp noise at low frequency. Fig 3 - coherence between COMMp_TX and B4_DC - says that COMMp motion is still a limiting factor for the stability of the power in the ITF. A further reduction of dither loop gain would very likely reduce more the COMMp residual motion and improve a bit the power stability. The loop should be still fast enough to compensate any drift of the COMMp AA signals and keep the working point in a stable position.

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ruggi - 15:03 Wednesday 05 February 2025 (66139) Print this report

During the latest lock acquisition, the gain of dither loops for COMMp TX and COMMp TY has been reduced by a factor of 2. In the next hours, the evolution of the signals in loop will be monitored.

ruggi - 11:01 Friday 07 February 2025 (66148) Print this report

The reduction of COMMp dither loop gain produced the expected improvement of angular motion seen by the quadrants, and also an improvement of arm power stability. The coherence between dither and quadranrt is still very high: the residual motion is still dominated by the same noise. Optical levers and NE dither have some coherence with the dither in loop: it means that the signal in loop is noisier than it should be.

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