Continuing the exploration of the impact of horizontal alignment offset on the sensitivity, using as faster figure of merits the recycling gain of carrier light (power in the arms), and the optical gain measured by Hrec (conversion of DARM meters into watts). Exploring the degrees of freedom common between the arms, as the systematic study of correlation with sensitivity has shown that B2 8MHz quadrant and power in the arms are correlated with the sensitivity fluctuations on ~1 hour time scale. Starting with the input beam as that should be faster (less affecting other alignment degrees of freedom)
Moving PR in X starting from around 15:10 UTC
Stopped around 16:20 UTC
Add offsets into the in loop B2 8MHz quadrant starts around 16:35 UTC
Unlocked at 17:05 UTC one minute after the third step in the offset on
the quadrant signal.
Figure 1 shows the trend data for the two sets of steps above. Going in the positive direction PR F0 X had improved the carrier gain and optical gain and the range, while going in the negative direction had clearly made the carrier gain and optical gain worse. However this effect doesn't seem to be long lasting, as after 30min both figure of merits decay away, especially the optical gain. So there is an alignment degree of freedom that improves all the figure of merit, but the PR position is not that degree of freedom, moving PR just creates a transient in the right direction in the degree of freedom we are lookin for. For PR X SET going in the postive direction also seemed to improve things but the lock did not last long enough to have a conclusion, and the impact of this alignment looks weaker.
Relocked and waited 30min in LN3 to achieve a stable state
Attempted a common mode change in positon of the beam on the end
mirrors. After discussing with Paolo we agreed this should mean
opposite signs of offset on the two mirrors.
18:24 UTC, +1mm on WE, -1mm on NE with 10 min ramps
19:00 uTC, +2mm on WE, -2mm on NE with 10 min ramps
19:33 uTC, +3mm on WE, -3mm on NE with 10 min ramps
Figure 2 shows the trend during the spot position changes, the first steps, looks rather clearly like an improvement in BNS range and optical gain. The following two are only giving slight improvement in optical gain, and no impact on BNS range. All of the steps are clearly increasing the power on B4 (so the carrier recycling gain).
FIgure 3 shows that the steps change the SR alignment and the double cavity pole, it reaches again a steady state roughly 30min after the start of the step. The first step has reduced the power on B1p and B1s, the following two steps are less clear due to the changes that are due only to change in double cavity pole.
Leaving the detector with the 3mm offsets on WE and NE overnight. These will be reset by the automation to zero in case of an unlock. I am not convinced that this is an optimal offset, probably an offset between of ~1.5mm would be sufficient.
It remains to be understood if it is an alignment improvement, or a way of avoiding some point defect. It could also be that the input beam would need to be shifted to follow the change in spot position to continue to see an improvement.