Today we made a special noise injection on SRCL, out of band, using the new SRCL_flt_HF shape (bandpass Butterworth centered at 150 Hz with 120 Hz of half-band), aimed at the study of the coupling to both DARM and Hrec at higher frequency.
Several amplitudes were used, up to 100:
- 17:27:45 UTC + 90 s: A = 10;
- 17:29:25 UTC + 60 s: A = 20;
- 17:30:05 UTC + 120 s: A = 40;
- 17:32:15 UTC + 120 s: A = 60;
- 17:34:25 UTC + 120 s: A = 80;
- Around 17:37 UTC: 25-min glitch
- 17:38:00 UTC + 180 s: A = 100.
The plot shows the result of the last injection, data will be used offline.