Did not manage to make any clear measurement with SR aligned, but managed to do one SSFS noise injection with SR aligned (to be analyzed).
Figure 1 shows trend of data during the shift
Figure 2 shows the fit of noise during the first SR aligned time with the LSC lines switched off and high frequency noise coupling. The 1/f^{2/3} required to fit the measurement is again factor 1.5 higher than when SR is misaligned.
Relock to LN2
Tried to do the steps of LN3 listed in /virgoDev/AEI_SQZ/changeDCP.py
and the adjusting BS TY to reduce the frequency noise coupling but that made the control less stable with more alignment
fluctuations, and eventually causing an unlock.
Relock to LN2.
Adjusting BS TX and TY to try to reduce frequency noise coupling, but again had issues with low frequency fluctuations causing an unlock.
Relock to LN2
Unlocked after 3 minutes while taking reference data
Relock to LN2
20:15 UTC - running the SSFS noise injection script
20:41 UTC - started taking reference time, but dark fringe started to fluctuate after a few minutes. Tried to go to LN3 to make it darker, but unlocked before SR had the time to misaligne.