Today, I found the ITF in CALIBRATION.
After F. Gherardini performed the daily DF_DAILY calibration, we noticed that the Hrec_hoft and Hrec_BNS_range data were no longer being produced. To address this issue, I first contacted the DAQ on call, E. Pacaud; however, he wasn't familiar with this type of problem.
Subsequently, I reached out to the Commissioning Coordinator, M. Was, as well as the Run Coordinator, N. Arnaud, to inform them of the issue. Following a discussion with Nicolas, we managed to get in touch with Hrec expert D. Verkindt, who identified that the problem stemmed from the CALnoise process.
D. Verkindt attempted to reload the CALnoise configuration; unfortunately, this did not resolve the issue. He noted that during a similar incident in the past, restarting the CALnoise process had corrected the timing discrepancies. Thus, we decided to contact A. Masserot to ensure our approach to resolving the situation was appropriate.
After a thorough analysis conducted by D. Verkindt, A. Masserot, E. Pacaud, and N. Arnaud, we proceeded to stop and restart the CALnoise process. Fortunately, this action did not cause any problems, and we were able to restore the Hrec_hoft and Hrec_BNS_range data, which became available again.
Throughout this process, the ITF remained locked in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ. At 23:08, the ITF was successfully returned to SCIENCE mode.
ITF remained in SCIENCE for the rest of the shift.
Guard tour (UTC):
21:17 - 21:47
23:12 - 23:43
01:02 - 01:32
04:17 - 04:47
(27-10-2024 21:15 - 27-10-2024 23:15) From remote
Status: Ended
Description: Data absence in Hrec_hoft and Hrec_BNS_range, after a DF_DAILY calibration.
Actions undertaken: stop and restart the CALnoise process