At 2024-10-24-10h22m50-UTC, the SIB2_Photodiodes server was restarted with the implementation of the demodulation noises mitigation on the the RFC_PD {1,2} photodiodes, following the observations by MIchal
At 2024-10-24-10h22m50-UTC, the SIB2_Photodiodes server was restarted with the implementation of the demodulation noises mitigation on the the RFC_PD {1,2} photodiodes, following the observations by MIchal
After the recovery I did a quick test for PD1 (which is the one in loop). I found that the phase noise subtraction was already on (CARM_NULL_1F from 17:00:31 UTC), then at 17:12:11 UTC I turned on the amplitude noise subtractions and at 17:14:33 UTC I turned off the phase noise subtraction. As seen in the plot there is no clear improvement, at least in CARM_NULL_1F (purple trace only phase noise subtraction on, red trace both on, blue trace only amplitude noise subtraction on).
I left both on (on PD1 only), and added in the automation the disabling of all four (so also for PD2) in DOWN, and the enabling of all four in LOCKING_CARM_NULL_1F (quite before we close the CARM_SLOW loop).
The first plot show the ASD of the RFC_PD1_6MHz channels with the ITF at step 100 :
The second plot show the trend of 2 lock acquisition sequences
So maybe the RFC_PD1_6MHz demodulation noises mitigation has been started to early and should be performed after closing the CARM_SLOW loop.
During the lock acquisition , there is a period of 2mn where where the CARM loop is disabled and the CARM_SLOW no yet engaged.
The tests of the RFC_PD1_6MHz demodulation noises mitigation where done during this period (see the plot)
Some tests were made this morning in LN3_SQZ , on the RFC_PD1_6MHz channels with the following conditions
As already reported by Diego, no improvement was observed even with the increase in frequency of low pass filter cut-off applied on the channel RFC_PD1_6MHz_12MHz_mag_slope (plot)
This is an entry written a month ago that I have found in my drafts. I am posting it again in case it will be useful in the future, but I am not sure it is relevant anymore.
The noise seen on RFC 6MHz I seems not to be demodulation amplitude noise caused by large low frequency fluctuations of the RFC 6MHz signal.
Figure 1. Looking at the noise subtraction correction, it is almost a factor 10 below the the 6MHz I noise. But that does seem appropriate, the noise level on RFC 12MHz mag and on RFC 6MHz I are the same, but the total RMS of these signals are different. It is on average higher by a factor few on 12MHz mag. So if the noise on RFC 6MHz I was caused by demodulation amplitude noise, it should actually be a factor few lower.
I have also tried to do an amplitude noise subtraction off-line in matlab and I arrive at the same result.
There are at least two options remaining to explain this noise RFC 6MHz I. It is demodulation amplitude noise, but the RMS is dominated by fluctuations at high frequency (above 5kHz) that we cannot see in these signals. Or it is a noise of a different nature, that has a 1/sqrt(f) shape.