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AdV-DAQ (Data collection)
masserot - 21:44 Wednesday 09 October 2024 (65292) Print this report
FmTrend and FmRds servers

The FmTrend and FmRds servers were running on the olserver114. They build the full FFL file related to their stream by scanning the online and offline storage areas. After the operations performed on the offline storage area yesterday , they became red at the VPM level even if their ffl file were updated.  Note that  the FmTrend_ll and FmRds_ll servers are running correctly as they scan only the online storage areas

Some investigations were made by

  • disabling the file checksum check, but without any improvements
  • measuring the time to access a directory :
    • the command time ls -lrt /data/archive_50Hz/129  returns
      • on olserver117:  real    0m0.452s, user    0m0.065s, sys    0m0.195s
      • on olserver114: real    1m27.009s, user    0m0.108s,sys    0m1.799s
      • on olserver119: real    1m24.357s, user    0m0.064s, sys    0m1.121s
    • the command time ls -lrt /data/archive_trenddata/2002  returns
      • on olserver117: real    0m0.111s, user    0m0.010s, sys    0m0.027s
      • on olserver114: real    0m6.092s, user    0m0.025s, sys    0m0.138s
      • on olserver119: real    0m5.845s, user    0m0.002s, sys    0m0.068s

It appears clearly that there is some issue with the access to the archive data area from olserver114 and olserver119 .

As the olserver117 host appears to not be use, for the moment the FmTrend and the FmRds servers are now running on this host  and seems to run without issue.

Comments to this report:
dibiase - 14:34 Thursday 10 October 2024 (65295) Print this report

It is due to a NFS mount issue after moveing /data/archive ..."rds" and "trend" .

Now olserver114 and olserver119 are recovered:

measuring the time to access a directory :

  • the command time ls -lrt /data/archive_50Hz/129  returns
    • on olserver114: real    0m0.430s, user 0m0.040s, sys    0m0.108s
    • on olserver119: real    0m0.278s, user    0m0.018s, sys    0m0.096s
  • the command time ls -lrt /data/archive_trenddata/2002  returns
    • on olserver114: real    0m0.126s, user    0m0.003s, sys    0m0.016s
    • on olserver119: real    0m0.145s, user    0m0.006s, sys    0m0.021s
masserot - 15:14 Thursday 10 October 2024 (65296) Print this report

The FmTrend and FmRds servers are back on olserver114

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