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AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
verkindt - 12:27 Sunday 11 August 2024 (64928) Print this report
an other glitch in h(t) not visible in DARM

On Saturday 2024-08-10 around 21h32, an other glitch occured in hoft_raw, which is not present in LSC_DARM (plot1). Like in elog#64804 , it seems to be due
to a glitch which occured in Sc_WI_MIR_Z_CORR or in Sc_NE_MIR_Z_CORR (plot2). Plot3 shows a zoom around this glitch.
As can be seen on plot2, a second glitch occured in Sc_NE_MIR_Z_CORR a few 1/100th second later which produced a second glitch in hoft_raw.


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