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AdV-TCS (CO2 laser projector)
aiello, lumaca, menzione, nardecchia, taranto - 19:17 Friday 26 July 2024 (64794) Print this report
WI CO2 laser replacement, day 2

Today, we continued with the intervention on the WI CO2 bench.

Following the procedure described in the gitlab, we started by step 10 of phase I:

10. Move the SPIRICON 2 after the pinhole telescope and install an iris (see fig.1 and 2).

Then, we deviated the beam before the lens L1 by inserting another mirror (between M2 and L1, the so-called MX1, see fig.3) to take as reference the free propagation of the beam maximizing the optical path length (step 11 in the procedure). Two irises have been aligned during the path in the near and far field using the spiricon (step 12 in the procedure) (see fig. 4 and 5).

Once completed Phase I, at 14.56 LT, the WI CO2 main laser has been switched OFF. With the support of Nicola, we disengaged the guardian system, we switched off the WI chiller and we engaged the backup chiller only on the NI CO2 laser.
Then, we removed the old couple laser-RF driver (S/N 40801-35119D - S/N 170108-154307) to install the new one (S/N 154307-170108 - S/N 35119D-40801).

After that, we restored all the electronic and cooling system connections (see fig.6).

We switched on the WI chiller to check for some water leakage, everything was okay.
Phase II has been completed.
Tomorrow, we will start Phase III in the gitlab procedure.

We left:
-WI CH laser OFF

-WI main laser OFF

-WI main chiller OFF

-Guardian system: backup chiller engaged on the NI CO2 laser

-NI CO2 lasers (CH and DAS) in standard condition

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