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AdV-COM (automation)
bersanetti, menzione - 18:24 Monday 22 July 2024 (64764) Print this report
Automation set-up for the commissioning break

This afternoon I put in operation a few modifications to the Automation, necessary for the planned interventions:

  • the node DET_MAIN has been verified to be in SHUTTER_CLOSED, then it was put in PAUSE and detached from the Management chain from ITF_LOCK (see #64761);
  • the node OMC_LOCK has been tentatively put in SHUTDOWN, but the state was not reached as the temperature control was already off and safe; it has been put in PAUSE and detached from ITF_LOCK;
  • ITF_LOCK has been modified in order to not act or check both DET_MAIN and OMC_LOCK, with some addition regarding the TCS; namely:
    • Removed WI and NI CH from DOWN and FMODERR_TUNED;
    • Removed DET_MAIN and OMC_LOCK from NodeManager;
    • commented the DET_MAIN block around line 390 in DOWN; forced self.FAST_SHUTTER_DEAD = False (which should not be used anyway);
    • commented the DET_MAIN block around line 430 in DOWN; forced state requests of other nodes in all cases outside such block;
    • commented the DET_MAIN block around line 592 in DOWN;
    • commented the state request to OMC_LOCK in DOWN;
    • commented all the execution statements of the shutter decorators for the paths: SINGLE_BOUNCE_[NI,WI], LOCKED_ARMS_IR, PRWI, SRNI, SHORT_MICH, MISALIGNED_END_MIRRORS; all other paths should be considered unsafe.

After the start of the SDB1 venting and the (unrelated) operation on SR we relocked the arm cavities, with no apparent issues. The diff file for is attached.

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Comments to this report:
bersanetti - 12:50 Tuesday 23 July 2024 (64769) Print this report

For the SINGLE_BOUNCE_NI configuration, I disabled the engagement of the SDB1 drift control.

bersanetti - 17:39 Tuesday 30 July 2024 (64820) Print this report

After a partial restoration of DET_MAIN this morning, this afternoon, before the first attempts at the lock acquisition, all changes to the automation were reverted to the status we had during the Run, with the exception of the OMC_LOCK node, which is still unoperational for the time being. We should NOT try to go above CARM_NULL_1F before the automation is brought back to nominal conditions.

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