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Virgo Runs (O4b)
gherardini - 23:00 Thursday 20 June 2024 (64556) Print this report
Operator Report - Afternoon shift

In this afternoon shift science mode stopped from 14:34UTC to 14:50UTC because of squeezing disengage and SQB1 control vertical control saturated and from 15:00UTC to 19:00UTC for commissioning (test of DARM and DIFFp TY control filters #64557 and NI CP noise injection #64554).

- guard tours(UTC):
17:41 --> 18:07
19:06 --> 19:34

Sub-system reports

at 14:34UTC the SQB1 position control was opened by the guardian; control closed after re adjust of F1 vertical position;

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Comments to this report:
Paoletti - 10:01 Friday 21 June 2024 (64560) Print this report

The squeezing disengage and SQB1 vertical control saturation at 14:34 UTC could be associated with an infrasonic event heard throughout the Tuscan coast. The CEB infrasonic microphone (as well as all seismic sensors) detects this very well.

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