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Virgo Runs (O4b)
Montanari - 7:00 Sunday 16 June 2024 (64516) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

ITF locked for the whole shift, BNS Range ~54Mpc

Virgo (and KAGRA) now are showed as "No Data" on Gwistat

Guard Tours (UTC):
21:40 - 22:10
23:07 - 23:36
01:00 - 01:30
03:25 - 03:55

Oncall events

(16-06-2024 21:10 - 16-06-2024 22:45) On site
Status: Ended
Description: DMS reported the block of turbolink pumps (SR and PR) and the closure of the associated valves
After talked with the expert oncall, it seemed to be associated with a server problem, supported by the ITF still locked
Actions undertaken: L. Francescon came on site to check the situation, and between 21:59UTC and 22:02UTC entered in CEB (I forgot to set in troubleshooting)
After confirmed that the problem was with data communication, He reset the server
ITF remained locked throughout the entire operation

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Comments to this report:
sentenac - 12:15 Tuesday 18 June 2024 (64537) Print this report
Looking at vacuum supervisor log data during the crash of the VAC_LINK rack I discovered that several racks were affected by the same sequence loss of network connection in the same interval (attached plot). It concerns the racks : VAC_CRYOLINK, VAC_SQZ0N, VAC_SQZ300N, VAC_SQZDET1, VACSQZDET2 all together with VAC_LINK.

Computing may check the related routes of the following racks:
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kraja, cortese - 16:08 Wednesday 19 June 2024 (64550) Print this report
We performed all the necessary checks and we didn't detect any network anomaly in the time-window when this issue took place.
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