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AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
vanhaevermaet - 13:32 Tuesday 11 June 2024 (64484) Print this report
Rearm EDB_B1p_PD1 and open shutter
Today 2024-06-11 at 09h22 UTC we re-armed the EDB_B1p_PD1 and opened the shutter (in VPM: SDB_EDB_dbox_rack -> EDB_MezzPD) during the maintenance to see if we can monitor the transfer function from SDB2 B1p PD2 to EDB B1p PD1. This will help with understanding the B1 sensing calibration and allows us to compare it with the expected models.
It is currently still open.

VPM log: Dbox> Mezzanine 'EDB_MezzPD' - channel 3: shutter opened
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