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Virgo Runs (O4b)
amagazzu - 15:20 Tuesday 04 June 2024 (64413) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

ITF found in relocking state, it was back in LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ and Science Mode from 5:18 UTC.
ITF set in Maintenance Mode at 6:00 UTC, it unlocked at 6:22 UTC possibly due to human activity inside the Scientific Area.
Here's the list of actions performed during the maintenance period:

  • Cleaning of Scientific Area, NE Hall, SNEB (External firm managed by Menzione and Ciardelli);
  • From 6:22 UTC to 6:36 UTC, Free Swinging measurement (Gosselin);
  • At 6:40 UTC, TCS chiller refill (Menzione);
  • At 7:03 UTC, 5 minutes of OMC Lock in Single bounce;
  • From 7:12 UTC to 7:34 UTC, OMC Scan in Single Bounce;
  • At 7:13 UTC, SQZ MZI contrast check (see report #64416)
  • At around 7:50 UTC, TCS Thermal camera reference;
  • At around 8:15 UTC, TCS Power Checks;
  • At 9:10 UTC, CO2 power check (See report #64419);
  • From 9:15 UTC to 9:27 UTC, Check of IMC Working Point and Position;

During the maintenance, the ISC team restarted the Etalon Loop process. To further test the loop, and to repeat the Free swinging measurement, from 8:31 UTC we started to relock, setting CARM_NULL_1F as target. Step reached at 10:08 UTC. 
Maintenance concluded at 10:00 UTC. ITF back in LOW_NOISE_3 at 12:52 UTC, it was unlocked by the INJ team at 13:53 for the planned measurement.
Relock in progress.

TCS powers found:

  CH (W) Inner DAS (W) Outer DAS (W)
W Pickoff 0.262 0 0.207
N Pickoff 0.653 0.056 0.571


Sub-system reports

Air Conditioning
At around 11:00 UTC it was reported by Soldani that there was an leak in the water pipe that supplies hot water to the Laser Lab. An external firm investigated on the issue and, during the fix, they discovered a second leak related to the whole Central Building. Activity still in progress.

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