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Optical characterization (Optical characterization)
irace, bersanetti, nardecchia, gouaty - 20:09 Tuesday 14 May 2024 (64257) Print this report
OMC scan in CARM_NULL_1F

Figure 1 shows the scan of the OMC performed from 17h05 utc to 17h30 utc, after waiting for 1 hour in CARM_NULL_1F.

Figure 2 shows a zoom of this scan around a Free Spectral Range.

In this FSR, assuming a calibration factor of about 4800 for B1_PD3, we have: ~48 mW on the first order mode, ~24 mW on the second order mode, ~125 mW on the third order modes, ~170 mW on the fourth order mode, around ~40 mW on each of the 5th and 6th order modes, ... Overall, all high order modes are reduced compared to the measurement performed one week ago ( ).

Focusing on the 2nd order mode which appears 4 times during the scan, its power is ranging between 24 and 40 mW which is quite similar to the range of values found last week.

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