Upon reaching the site, I found the ITF in SCIENCE mode and LOW_NOISE_3_SQZ state.
I mistakenly changed the ITF mode for a few seconds at 10:10 UTC while the ITF remained locked. I set the SCIENCE mode back at 10:11 UTC.
The ITF unlocked at 12:23 UTC, probably due to an earthquake (see https://scientists.virgo-gw.eu/Seismon/Maps/us6000my20.png).
During the unlock the SNEB position control loop opened, I restored it at 12:28 UTC.
I left the ITF in AQUIRE_LOW_NOISE_2 state.
No DMS event in the last 8 hours.
Guard tours (UTC)
- 05:45 - 06:35
- 07:57 - 08:32
- 09:52 - 10:27
- 11:55 - 12:30