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AdV-DAQ (Calibration)
verkindt - 20:50 Tuesday 02 April 2024 (63818) Print this report
Detchar Hardware Injections

Today, over 2000 sec starting at 17h15 UTC (19h15 LT), the detchar Hardware Injections have been done.
The HI frames file provided by Nicolas and read by the HInjector process was here: /data/dev/calibration/injections/HIO4b/detchar/HI_20240327.gwf
Plot1 shows an example of the signals monitored during the injection.
Plot2 shows the spectrogram of hoft_raw and hoft over the 2000s of injections, between 10 Hz and 300 Hz.
Plot3 shows the DQ state vector, whose bit 8 goes from 1 to 0 (red to green) each time a Detchar HI is done.

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Comments to this report:
salvador - 15:29 Wednesday 03 April 2024 (63826) Print this report

Hardware injections triggers extracted by Omicron during the period from April 2nd 17:00 UTC to 18:30 UTC.

Plot 1 shows the Omicron triggers during this perdiod.

Plot 2 shows a close up of the first injection sets showing the 4 SNRs for each frequency.

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salvador - 13:47 Thursday 04 April 2024 (63839) Print this report

Here are the GPS times as extracted by Omicron for all 192 HIs:


  • 811:
    • "20": [1396113350.5527, 1396113515.6738, 1396113841.0566, 1396114311.8262, 1396114486.5996, 1396114821.5293],
    • "50": [1396113355.5371, 1396113525.7129, 1396113856.0566, 1396114317.1074, 1396114496.9121, 1396114836.8809],
    • "100":[1396113360.541, 1396113535.7207, 1396113871.0801, 1396114322.4316, 1396114507.2324, 1396114852.1816],
    • "500":[1396113365.5488, 1396113545.7363, 1396113886.084,  1396114327.7324, 1396114517.5332, 1396114867.4902]
  • 409:
    • "20": [1396113370.5508, 1396113555.7305, 1396113901.1133, 1396114333.0742, 1396114527.8398, 1396114882.8008],
    • "50": [1396113375.5664, 1396113565.7539, 1396113916.1211, 1396114338.3477, 1396114538.1445, 1396114898.1211],
    • "100":[1396113380.5664, 1396113575.7617, 1396113931.1289, 1396114343.6523, 1396114548.4648, 1396114913.4336],
    • "500":[1396113385.5664, 1396113585.7773, 1396113946.1445, 1396114348.957, 1396114558.7773, 1396114928.7539]
  • 277:
    • "20": [1396113390.5859, 1396113595.7734, 1396113961.1641, 1396114354.2578, 1396114569.0859, 1396114944.0859],
    • "50": [1396113395.5859, 1396113605.8047, 1396113976.1797, 1396114359.5703, 1396114579.3828, 1396114959.3828],
    • "100":[1396113400.5859, 1396113615.8047, 1396113991.1953, 1396114364.8672, 1396114589.7109, 1396114974.6953] ,
    • "500":[1396113405.5859, 1396113625.8203, 1396114006.2109, 1396114370.1797, 1396114600.0234, 1396114990.0078]
  • 129:
    • "20": [1396113410.5781, 1396113635.8281, 1396114021.2344, 1396114375.4844, 1396114610.3281, 1396115005.3281],
    • "50": [1396113415.6094, 1396113645.8281, 1396114036.2344, 1396114380.7969, 1396114620.6406, 1396115020.6406],
    • "100":[1396113420.6094, 1396113655.8594, 1396114051.2656, 1396114386.1094, 1396114630.9531, 1396115035.9531],
    • "500":[1396113425.6094, 1396113665.8594, 1396114066.2656, 1396114391.3906, 1396114641.2656, 1396115051.2656]
  • 87:
    • "20": [1396113430.6094, 1396113675.8594, 1396114081.2969, 1396114396.7031, 1396114651.5781, 1396115066.5781],
    • "50": [1396113435.6094, 1396113685.8906, 1396114096.2969, 1396114402.0156, 1396114661.8906, 1396115081.9062],
    • "100":[1396113440.5938, 1396113695.8906, 1396114111.3281, 1396114407.3281, 1396114672.1719, 1396115097.2344],
    • "500":[1396113445.6562, 1396113705.9062, 1396114126.3281, 1396114412.6094, 1396114682.4844, 1396115112.5469]
  • 47:
    • "20": [1396113450.6562, 1396113715.9062, 1396114141.3438, 1396114417.9062, 1396114692.8438, 1396115127.8438],
    • "50": [1396113455.6562, 1396113725.9062, 1396114156.3438, 1396114423.2188, 1396114703.0938, 1396115143.1562],
    • "100":[1396113460.6562, 1396113735.9062, 1396114171.4062, 1396114428.5312, 1396114713.4062, 1396115158.4688],
    • "500":[1396113465.6562, 1396113745.9688, 1396114186.4062, 1396114433.8438, 1396114723.7188, 1396115173.7812]
  • 31:
    • "20": [1396113470.6719, 1396113755.9609, 1396114201.3906, 1396114439.1406, 1396114734.0469, 1396115189.1094],
    • "50": [1396113475.6719, 1396113765.9531, 1396114216.4219, 1396114444.4531, 1396114744.3594, 1396115204.4531],
    • "100":[1396113480.6719, 1396113775.9844, 1396114231.4531, 1396114449.7656, 1396114754.6719, 1396115219.7656],
    • "500":[1396113485.6719, 1396113785.9844, 1396114246.4531, 1396114455.0781, 1396114764.9844, 1396115235.0781]
  • 19:
    • "20": [1396113490.6719, 1396113795.9844, 1396114261.4844, 1396114460.3906, 1396114775.2969, 1396115250.3906],
    • "50": [1396113495.6719, 1396113805.9844, 1396114276.4844, 1396114465.6719, 1396114785.6094, 1396115265.7031],
    • "100":[1396113500.7031, 1396113816.0156, 1396114291.4844, 1396114470.9844, 1396114795.9219, 1396115281.0156],
    • "500":[1396113505.7031, 1396113826.0156, 1396114306.5156, 1396114476.2969, 1396114806.2344, 1396115296.3281]
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