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Virgo Runs (ER16)
menzione - 6:55 Tuesday 02 April 2024 (63807) Print this report
Operator Report - Night shift

Upon arrival ITF just relocked in LN3_SQZ. I set Science Mode.
SQZ unlocked at 00:55 and relocked at 01:00 UTC but unfortunately ITF unlocked at 1:08 UTC.
After several failures at CARM_NULL_!F and LN2, ITF finally again in Science Mode at 4:11 UTC.

Guard tours (UTC):
21:30 --> 22:00
23:33 --> 00:03
01:30 --> 02:00
03:15 --> 03:45

Sub-system reports

MdVim crashed several times. I restarted it via VPM (killing it via shell).
FmTrend crashed several times. I restarted it via VPM.

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Comments to this report:
masserot - 9:03 Tuesday 02 April 2024 (63809) Print this report

Remarks related to the DAQ report

  •  The issues related to the MdVim are not yet understood: investigations, in-progress
  • The FmTrend have not been restarted: it's running since 2024-03-19-18h14m18-UTC


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