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AdV-DET (Commissioning)
gouaty, berni - 13:16 Tuesday 30 January 2024 (63121) Print this report
Attempt of measuring the polarization noise with the single bounce beam sent to the B5 photodiodes

This morning, we made another attempt of measuring the polarization noise of the single bounce beam.

We put DET_MAIN in PAUSE and Francesco put the NI single bounce. 

Then Francesco scanned the angular position of BS_MAR_TX (Fig.1), and we found some ghost beams of the single bounce on the B5 camera after moving BS TX from +63 urad  to -517 urad.

Then Francesco acted on the BS_TY, going from -25 to +75 urad in order to center the main single bounce beam on the camera.

We also misaligned PR_TY further away from its parking position in order to separate better the main single bounce beam from its ghost beam.

Then we adjusted the SDB1 angular position in order to make sure that the B5 photodiodes were properly aligned. Fig.2 shows a scan of the bench in TY and Fig.3 a scan of the bench in TX. We found that with SDB1_LC_TY = 90 and SDB1_LC_TX = 110, we would maximize the power on the two photodiodes.

We took data in these conditions from 08h11 utc to 08h25 utc (Fig.4). The power on B5_PD2 is about 16 mW, which is what we expected with 15W of input power.

Fig.5 shows the noise spectrum of the DC and audio channels of the photodiodes, taken in the first 7 min of the measurement. We notice a noise shoulder that looks like scatter light, with a frequency cut off at ~30 Hz. We took another spectrum from ~08h19 utc (Fig.6), for which the frequency cut-off of the noise shoulder has moved down to 15 Hz.

After this measurement, we restored the standard conditions in the alignment of SDB1, BS, and activated DET_MAIN node.

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Comments to this report:
mwas - 20:54 Wednesday 31 January 2024 (63138) Print this report

This is a nice measurement on B5.

Figure 1 zooms a bit more on the vertical axis to see more clearly the noise level.

On PD2 the noise floor is at 1e-7 mW/rtHz. For 16mW of power one would expect a shot noise of 7.4e-8 mW/rtHz. But there is also the shot noise of the PSTAB that is at comparable level, so in total the 1e-7 mW/rtHz is consistent with the quadratic sum of the shot noise of the PSTAB loop and the shot noise of detecting the beam on B5.

On B5P PD1, the noise floor is at 2.2e-8 mW/rtHz. This is most likely electronic noise. Relative to the power on the S-polarization it is an 1.4e-9 1/rtHz RIN. The angle of the power split between P-pol and S-pol is sqrt(0.19/16) = 0.11rad.  Using the formula from (VIR-0032A-24, slide 2). This corresponds to an upper limit on the polarization angle fluctuations of 6.4e-9 rad/rtHz.

Repeating this measurement with the polarization analyzer installed (once with the half-wave plate and once with the quarter-waveplate), should allow a better measurement of the input beam polarization angle fluctuations by a factor 6.



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