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AdV-COM (1/√f noise)
mwas - 22:35 Sunday 08 October 2023 (61933) Print this report
Reduction of 56MHz SB in LN2

After a day long effort by several people the interferometer locked in LN2.

18:21 (4min) reference time, 56MHz mod depth 11dB, 6MHz mod depth 12dB
18:30 (2min) 8dB 56MHz mod depth
18:38 (2min) 5dB 56MHz mod depth

DIFFp_TX servo doesn't seem to work, I have started to increase the
gain by hand to bring UGF up from 1.3Hz to 2.0Hz (the target normaly is ~2.8Hz)

18:52 (1min)  2dB 56MHz mod depth

18:53:30 unlock probably due to an oscillation at ~14Hz. Look like
oscillation was mostly in MICH. There is also a line at ~54Hz that was

Figure 1 unlock with low 56MHz (2dBm mod depth), had increasing lines at 14Hz and 54Hz

Figure 2 the B1s spectrum had decreasde by factor ~3 when there is 9dB less 56MHz modulation

Figure 3 this doesn't reveal a coherence between B1s and Hrec. And the RIN on B1s at 100Hz is at ~1.5e-8 1/rtHz, so that puts an upper limit on the HOM RIN.

Figure 4 Next unlock in CARM NULL 1F had a slow oscillation in SDB1 TY  and BS TX ( with a period of ~30s)

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Comments to this report:
masserot - 14:57 Monday 09 October 2023 (61941) Print this report

The first plot and its zoom shows the coherency between the B1s_PD1_Audio channel and some longitudinal photodiode Audio channels

  • SDB2 : B5_PD1_Audio and B1p_PD1_Audo
  • SPRB: B4_PD1_Audio
  • SIB2: B2_PD2_Audio and RFC_PD1_Audio
  • EIB:  EAB_EOM_TRA_Audio
  • IMC: IMC_TRA_Audio

according the LNFS 56MHz modulation depth:  green 11dB,  red 8dB, purple 5dB and blue 2dB :

  • all these Audio channels have a some coherency with the B1s_PD1_Audio channel
  • on SDB2_B1p_PD1_Audio, one can see that the coherency with B1s_PD1_Audio decrease with the 56MHz modulation depth lowering, to be close to zero  with the lowest 56MHz modulation depth
  • for the others channels,  the coherency with B1s_PD1_Audio decrease only when the 56MHz modulation depth decreases to 8dB   and remains at the same level even if the 56MHz modulation depth decreases to lower values


The last plot and its zoom are related to the B4_PD1_56MHz magnitude and its correlation with the B4_PD1_Audio and B1s_PD1_Audio channels

  • the channel B4_PD1_56MHz_raw_mag is equal to the magnitude of the B4 beam demodulated at 56MHz before the demodulation noises mitigation
  • the  B4_PD1_56MHz_mag is the magnitude after the demodulation noises mitigation
  • There is some coherency between the  B4_PD1_Audio channel and  the B1p_PD1_Audio one (blue rectangle)
  • there is no coherency between the B4_PD1_56MHz magnitude and the B1p_PD1_Audio channel (green rectangle)
  • there is some coherency between the    B4_PD1_Audio channel  and the B4_PD1_56MHz magnitude after the demodulation noises mitigation (red rectangle)
    • This coherency remains at the same level regardless of the modulation depth of 56MHz.
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