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Detector Characterisation (Spectral lines)
Tringali, Fiori, Paoletti - 15:06 Tuesday 12 September 2023 (61518) Print this report
Hrec structures exicited during SDB1 bench shaking and near field magnetic injection

As Michal suggested, we compared the Hrec structures excited during the broad band noise injections through the SDB1 bench marionetta actuators (#59977) and SDB1 near-field sweep magnetic injections (#60083).

Figure 1: overview of Hrec during the injections.

Figure 2: a resonance structure is excited at ~29.65 Hz during the magnetic injection (black curve) and TZ, TX dof noise injections (red and green curves). The SCRL line at 26.6 Hz is also excited.

Figure 3: in the frequency band ~(80-130) Hz, we observed i) an exited structure at ~91.6 Hz during the mechanical (TX dof, green curve) and magnetic injections; ii) a resonance at ~111.6 Hz (TZ dof) and at ~112.5 Hz (TX dof); iii) WE_MIR_permline_ext1 - CALnoise line at 106.5 Hz is also excited for both injections.

Figure 4:  in the frequency band ~(130-230) Hz, there are clear match of some resonances at ~133.5 Hz, ~157.54Hz, ~176.5Hz, ~196.5Hz, ~210-220 Hz.

Figure 5: a resonance is excited at  ~276 Hz  (TY, TZ dofs)  and at ~307 Hz (TX, TY, TZ  dofs).


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