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AdV-DET (Commissioning)
gouaty, melo, spinicelli, masserot, sposito - 16:31 Saturday 15 April 2023 (59803) Print this report
Suspended benches local control noise and OMC alignment versus sensitivity

The goal of the morning shift was to inject noise above 10 Hz on the suspended benches in order to evaluate the coupling of the bench control noise.

Due to various problems we could really start the measurements only at 12h utc, which is why we could only inject the noises on the SNEB and SWEB benches.

ITF locked in Low Noise 1 at 06h55 utc.

Closing MICH loop to minimize the coupling of the RIN at ~07h10 utc.

Start injection noise in SNEB TX at 08h11m45 UTC, amplitude 5e-4 V/sqrt(Hz)

amplitude 5e-3 V at 08h14m42 UTC

amplitude 1e-2 V at 08h18m19 UTC

amplitude 2e-2 V/sqrt(Hz) at 08h22m31 UTC. Collecting data for 4 min (Fig.1). Some effect seems to be visible between 10 and 20 Hz, to be better checked. No effect visible at higher frequency in DARM, but some reasonances visible on B7_DC. ITF unlocked at 08h26m50 utc due to a command changing the MICH_SET sent by mistake.

SNEB_LC process stopped and started at 08h29m16 UTC. This fixed a problem of filtering of the noise applied through SNEB_LC_external.

ITF locked again in Low Noise 1 at 08h54m40 utc. ITF unlocked manually to solve a problem with the process LSC_Acl which was stuck, preventing the engagement of the MICH_SET loop.

SIB2_LC stopped and restarted at 09h41m12-UTC to enable noise injections.

Then we faced a few unlocks in CARM_NULL_3F. We realized that this was caused by SIB2 being misaligned (consequence of the stop/start of the process). We corrected the SIB2 bench setpoints at 10h40m58 UTC.

ITF locked in Low Noise 1 at 11h06 utc. Unlocked at 11h09m16 utc.

ITF locked in Low Noise 1 at 11h28 utc. MICH SET loop enabled at ~11h32 utc. ITF unlocked at 11h37m21 utc, 1s after applying some noise in SNEB_LC_TX (see Fig.2). Although the amplitude of the noise is not a problem by itself it seems that there is a quick on the bench the first time we inject the noise, so its amplitude must be set very small for the first injection.

ITF in Low noise 1 at 12h03 utc. The MICH_SET loop is not working properly and is blocking LSC_Acl. But we decide to go on with the injections anyway.

Start noise injection on SNEB LC TX at 12h12m42 UTC

amp 5e-3 V 12h18m15 UTC

amp 2e-2 V 12h20m07 UTC

amp 5e-2 V at 12h22m39 UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (Fig.3). We observe an impact between 10 and 20 Hz on hrec. Stop noise injection at  12h28m27 UTC .

Noise in SNEB TY at 12h33m46 UTC.

Amplitude 5e-3 V at 12h35m33 UTC

Amplitude 2e-2 V at 12h37m07 UTC

Amplitude 5e-2 V at 12h39m51 UTC. Collecting data for 6 min (Fig.4). No coupling is visible on hrec. Injection stopped at  12h46m40 UTC .

Noise in SNEB TZ: amp 1e-2 V at 12h54m11 UTC

amp 5e-2 at 12h57m48 UTC/ Collecting data for 5 min (Fig.5) A resonance is visible in hrec around 187 Hz (see zoom on Fig.6). Also some effect is visible below 15 Hz.

Stop TZ injection at 13h05m10 UTC.

Start injection in SNEB Z at 13h08m28 UTC

amplitude 5 e-2 at 13h12m29 UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (Fig.7). The resonances are visible on B7 but not on hrec.

Stop Z injection at 13h19m35-UTC

Start noise injection on SWEB TX at 13h27m46 UTC

Amplitude 5e-2 at 13h35m13 UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (see Fig.8). No obvious coupling visible on Hrec.

Stop TX injection at 13h40m41 UTC.

Start injection in SWEB TY at 13h41m52 UTC

Amplitude 5e-2 V at 13h47m11 UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (see Fig.9). No obvious coupling visible on Hrec.

Stop injection in TY at 13h52m16 UTC.

Start injection in SWEB TZ at 13h52m54 UTC

amplitude 5e-2 V at 13h55m45 UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (see Fig.10). Noise bumps well visible on B8 between 100 and 400 Hz, but no obvious coupling observed in Hrec.

Stop injection in TZ at 14h00m52 UTC

Start injection in SWEB Z at 14h01m50 UTC

amplitude 5e-2 V at 14h03m18-UTC. Collecting data for 5 min (see Fig.11). No obvious coupling seen in Hrec.

Stop injection in Z at 14h08m23 UTC. Taking reference data for 5 min.

We leave the in ITF in Low Noise 1 for the afternoon shift.

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Comments to this report:
spinicelli, masserot - 16:57 Saturday 15 April 2023 (59805) Print this report

Concerning the problem on the MICH servo loop, it appears that it work correctly just after a stop/start of the LSC_ACL server. However, after an unlock (manual or unintentional), trying to enable the servo with the same commands, will produce the LSC_ACL server to stuck on some red alert (see example in fig. 1) and it will not accept anymore python commands. Moreover, the loop will not work properly as it will not zero the corrections.

The problem is under investigation by Alain, but for the time being we will keep commented in the automation.

Reminder: if one wants to use the MICH_SET servo for now, he needs to restart the LSC_ACL and then manually engage it once in low_noise_1

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masserot - 7:46 Sunday 16 April 2023 (59812) Print this report

The MICH_SET loop has been restored from ITF_LOCK Metatron since 2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC . Below the report of the ITF_LOCK logfile related to these operations

2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-cm_send(b'LSC_Acl', b'AcConstChSet', b'MICH_SET_SET', 0.0, 5.0, b'load')
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-cm_send(b'LSC_Acl', b'AcConstChSet', b'MICH_SET_CAL', -52000.0, 5.0, b'load')
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-cm_send(b'LSC_Acl', b'AcFltChFilterSet', b'MICH_SET_CORR_FLT', b'Integrator', 0.0, b'load')
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-cm_send(b'LSC_Acl', b'AcRelayChTranSet', b'MICH_SET_TRIG', -2)
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-cm_send(b'LSC_Acl', b'AcConstChSet', b'MICH_SET_ENBL', 1.0, 5.0, b'apply')
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>WARNING-[] timer['DARM_SET_LOW'] = 5.0
2023-04-15-12h05m40-UTC>INFO...-W: RELOADING @
2023-04-15-12h05m41-UTC>ERROR..-Parsing error on line 222 of /virgoData/VirgoOnline/LSC_Acl_Moni.cfg: Illegal character in 'MICH_THRESH'

Since It has been fully automatized , it seems that it work correctly now (see the plot):

  • red rectangle , MICH loop set using the 'Integrator' filter , so proportional and integrator corrector
    • the B4_56MHz_{USB,LSB} are well superposed while the B1p_56MHz_{USB,LSB} not
  • green rectangle, MICH loop set using the  'LSC_NONE' filter, so a  simple proportional corrector
    • the B1p_56MHz_{USB,LSB} are well superposed while the B4_56MHz_{USB,LSB} not

Thank to the person who perform these operations

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