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Detector Operation (Operations Report)
gherardini - 16:03 Wednesday 28 September 2022 (57218) Print this report
Operator Report - Morning shift

This morning was dedicated to recover the injection system, the EIB controls and the ITF lock; the injection system was recovered even if the EIB control was still not working well; during the swift we tried to lock the ITF unsuccessfully, the ITF didn't able to relock up to CARM null, also the CITF had a lot of difficulties, in addition to the issue with the EIB control also the very high microsiesmic activity did not help with the lock; at 10:30UTC the injection team put the system in a safe state blocking the beam on the laser bench and Alessandro started to work on the EIB control, the work on EIB is still in progress...

other activities:

- ENV: west end building large coil test from 7:20UTC (Paoletti);
- DET: fast shutter upgrade 6:50UTC to 7:00UTC (Was);

Sub-system reports

MdVim kill and restarted at 8:42UTC because of stuck and it was not communicating to the VPM;

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Comments to this report:
masserot - 21:14 Wednesday 28 September 2022 (57227) Print this report
masserot - 14:00 Thursday 29 September 2022 (57237) Print this report

As it seems that the raw storage area is more reliable, it scan in the /opt/w3/vim/storage/  has been restored this morning.

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