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AdV-PSL (Installation on site)
chaibi, Turconi, Soulard, Merzougui - 18:12 Saturday 01 August 2020 (49154) Print this report
High power fiber amplifier at its nominal power
The diagnosis of the system interlock issue was conducted. It is a security alarm related to the diodes temperature. After conducting some tests, it turns out that this alarm was triggered because the cooling water flow was not enough to extract the heat load. After installing a different water circuit (temporary), the fiber power reached its nominal power (131 W on the attached pictures, 133 W when lens losses are taken into account). A different configuration for water cooling shall be discussed and installed.
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Comments to this report:
chiummo - 19:32 Monday 03 August 2020 (49168) Print this report

Although not necessarily the main reason for the lack of effectiveness of the cooling circuit, it is worth noting that the main circuit was still in a "safe config" with the valves at the end of the main loop fully open so that the whole flux could in principle take this way instead of going through the appliances to be cooled down.

This morning the valves at the end of the main loop were almost completely closed, so that the effectiveness of the cooling should be at its maximum now.

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