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AdV-COM (automation)
carbognani, masserot - 10:44 Tuesday 28 January 2020 (48265) Print this report
Tango/SAT communication error for SUS_BS automation node

In the last weeks the SUS_BS automation node was reporting continuosly this error:
TangoError: DevFailed[ DevError[ desc = Failed to connect to device lcuserver/bs/sa...]]
This timeout error was slowing down the node implying being late in providing data to the Fbm_Alp frame buider and impacting DAQ latency.

Profiting of a DOWN moment yesterday evening, the LcuServer/BS and DspServer/BS Tango SAT servers have been stopped/restarted.
After that the BS_SUS node has not complained anymore about "Tango Error" and the situation in term of DAQ latency seems back to normal (Fig. 1)

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bersanetti - 16:05 Tuesday 28 January 2020 (48271) Print this report

This will hopefully also solve the frequent crashes of the WARM_LOCK node, which is the manager of SUS_BS and it drives itself the BS DSP for the angular dithering control.

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