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ruggi - 13:12 Thursday 12 December 2019 (47923) Print this report
Earthquake, alignment and actuator balancing

On Dec 10 the ITF unlocked due to an earthquake, Mag 5.9, Japan. In principle we should be robust enough for this kind of event, even in low noise configuration for the actuators. It was no more like that due to the 9.7 Hz oscillation, but on Dec 10 that problem was reduced by the improvement of OB vertical control, so the ITF unlocked for a different reason.

In fig 1 we see that there was a loop oscillation (MICH, or angular), probably triggered by a drop of the sidebands, which happened in correspondence with a certain deviation of PR_TX from its working point. It is also visible that this misalignment is driven by PR longitudinal correction (see also fig 2), indicating that PR MIR actuation is not perfectly balanced, but maybe also that a higher gain of the loop at low frequency could be preferable.

Another possible reason of this premature unlock is shown in fig 3,4,5,6: the sidebands were not oscillating around the maximum level (all the four PD on B4 and B5 say the same thing), indicating that the alignment working point was not optimal. This fact was more or less visible on the signals even before the earthquake, in quiet condition (fig 7,8,9,10), although pyAA had just finished its work of AA optimization (fig 11). To be honest, the bad state of the sidebands is well visible also in a time domain rough plot. Maybe pyAAtuning needs to be tuned.

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ruggi - 12:25 Monday 16 December 2019 (47954) Print this report

The latest earthquake (Dec 15  6:11:53, Philippines, Mag 6.8) was stronger than the previous one, but the ITF survived a bit more (fig 1). In fig 2 we can see that, with PR_TX better aligned, the oscillations of the sidebands were still large enough to trigger sometimes a DARM oscillation, but not to cause the lockloss. Then the ITF unlocked anyway, because of a fast loss of DARM control (fig 3). The mechanism is not clear to me, but for sure it is not a problem of mirror or marionette actuator saturation. It could be still a problem linked to the loss of alignment accuracy.

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ruggi - 16:29 Friday 20 December 2019 (47998) Print this report

On Monday a new driving matrix of PR mirror actuation has been measured and updated.

UL 1 1
DL 0.841 0.8444
UR -0.907 -0.9068
DR 0.7487 0.7518

The difference is very small (~ 0.3 %), but it is enough to change the effect of the longitudinal action on alignment stability. The effect is visible comparing the latest earthquake to the previous one. The maximum amplitude of the longitudinal action was similar (plot 1,1), but the effect on PR_TX was clearly reduced (plot 2,1), and the sidebands were much more stable (plot 2,2).

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